I dont know about you, but I guess I think that its pretty spectacular. This was taken from my very own back yard. I realize that the building beneath the beautiful sky is a bit ugly, but they have since finished the construction and it looks amazing now. Really. Guess I'll have to get a current picture to prove it to you, huh? Dadgum non believers... Jeez... The array of colors I get to experience every time the sun rises or sets here is amazing, like nothing I have ever seen before. Just minutes after the beautiful pinks and purples and yellows, comes this:

You gotta be quick to catch them... But when you do, boy... I could spend the entire summer in my lawn chair with a glass of wine and my camera, enjoying these sunsets. These of course were taken on the 4th of July in 2007, which I know for sure because a storm blasted us only 30 minutes after these shots were taken. And managed to cancel out our annual Independance Day street dance. Big bummer, let me tell you. Speaking of the 4th of July last year... Meet Shauney:

This picture was actually taken about 5 minutes before that storm I mentioned hit us. I'd tied her up outside with me to sit and enjoy the sunset with me (though clearly all she was thinking about was her bone) And speaking of rawhide bones, can somebody please explain to me why these damn things are so amazing to these dogs? I dont understand... I mean, take Eddie for instance:

Playing with a rawhide bone. (And Red Man, thats his arm there) Eddies passion in life seemed to be talking to us, and that bone. Then there is Po: The red weiner dog who got busted stealing Jakes bone:

I mean look at that size of that bone compared to Po! What a greedy little weiner dog. I love Dachshunds... My sister in law has a little Red Doxie. And at the time we were fostering Po, we also had his sister Lala, and their step sister, Heidi. It was weiner dog central at my house folks. Lastly, my very own Jake... He will do anything for one of these bones. He will dance. He'll play dead. He will learn how to golf if you want him to...

Don't you dare tell me that I need to vacuum up the dog hair. I know it already. And for your information, I already did. It just so happens that its that time of year when everything with furs sheds it all off... onto my carpet. So move along, and stop thinking about the fur. Its not my fault that my carpet is light and my foster dogs are all black. Not my fault! Okay yeah, its my fault. Shut up.
Can we get back to the bones? I tasted one of these bad boys myself once. Its tasteless.. I can see why they might enjoy the beef dipped ones, because they have gravy slathered all over them. But those make a mess on my beige carpet, so they are a no no. I stick with the plain white ones... But holy balloons, talk about obsession. He looks a little angry... He looks like he knows I'm about to make a grab for his beloved bone... Maybe I'd better back off...

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