Happy Friday folks!
The first half of the day was beautiful. But now we are in some severe thunderstorm warnings and on the lookout for tornados. Which I kinda hafta admit scares me a bit. Just an hour north of us was hit with a nasty tornado over the Memorial weekend, injuring a few and killing a little boy. An entire neighborhood was destroyed. God be with you in Hugo, MN.
On a happier note... All this rain and humidity is really making things pop. Everything is lush and green and beautiful. Love it!!
And while I'm here and its Friday and I'm in such a great mood, can I take a second to brag about my foster families? For those of you just joining us, I work with the Minnesota branch of Dogs Deserve Better, a dog rescue. And I have these 2 foster families who I would be completely and utterly lost without. Connie and Beverly, you two rock. These two gals keep managing to pull me out of trouble in just a knick of time, every time. So for that, I gotta say THANK YOU! I guess I also have to say thank you to their families as well... Because while the two lovely gals are who I talk with directly, their families have a whole lot to do with saving these dogs as well. And the family pets! Thank you as well!
We get another Great Dane this weekend. Woo! But dont tell Red.. He doesnt know yet. :o)
His name is Willy. Well, actually its Diesel. But I dont like that name, and besides, we've already had a Diesel. And I am the one who has to feed this gigantic dog, I think I should get to name him whatever I want. Right? Whatever. When YOU have to buy 50lb bags of dog food in bulk, you can talk to me. Until then, get off it.
This big dude is only a year old. But hes a purebred Dane, so hes already topping 80lbs. Hes got a lot of growing to do. Yikes.
Check back tomorrow.. I will be making some changes around here. Maybe. Or maybe I will just lay around and read a book all day. Hey, even bloggers need a day off from blogging, no? What? You say I took the last 2 weeks off? You dont even know what I was doing, for all you know I spent the time in Alaska feeding the polar bears and digging trenches. Thats WORK, people!
Smile folks. Its the weekend.
Love Em