So, because I dont want to completely give up on this site just because nobody is reading it, I am happy to announce two very awesome things. One, I got my computer back. Yipee! And two, I have pictures to share. Woo-eee!!
Lets start with these orchids I recieved from my big sister Jenny for my birthday. Oh yea, May 10th was my birthday. I am now 24 years old. Thanks for all the birthday wishes guys. *sarcastically**
Anyways.. Back to my birthday orchids.

I love Orchids.
I caught Red sleeping with 2 women the other day. Yeah. See?

I had nothing to do with that. I swear. Red did that completely voluntarily. Serious.
Next is Maggie. She was surrendered to us because she wouldnt point. I can tell you that I have literally never met a more perfect dog. She doesnt do anything wrong. AND she managed to steal my hubby's heart. Hard feat for any dog.

Maggie looks a little wound up here, eh? Like she might bounce off the walls at any second? Chill out, Maggie. Really, all work and no play is no way to live. Take a load off...
Oh, and speaking of wound up Maggie... Look at what I caught her doing with my dog!

NAPPING! I walked around the corner, and Maggie was sprawled out on top of my Lab. Jake really doesnt look too worked up over the whole thing though, does he... Jeez. Way to start her off with bad manners right away. I mean for crying out loud, shes only a baby, Jake! Craddle robber! Maggie, you gold-digger...
Alright, its bed time. Keep an eye on your dogs... They are getting weird.
Love Em
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