$2.39 gasoline, baby!
I filled my gas tank this morning, from empty to full, for less than $40. And I'm elated over it. That sucker is such a hog. But thats what I get for thinking I need to be an SUV owner.
In other news... Its cold here in the many lakes state. We had our first snowfall of the season yesterday. Accompanied by 40mph winds. I decided to ditch all my errands last minute and stay home, curled up in my chair with my book and many dogs piled on top of me. It was quite a relaxing day.
Except for the whole Melby episode. We dont go there today. My ass still hurts.
My deepest apologies... Still no camera, which means still no photos. But I'm working on it, man! Just chill.
Back to work.
Happy Monday.
Stay warm.
Melby?? You gonna fill me in?? I was getting worried that you hadn't updated the last few days. If I can keep updated so can you :)
Welc"Em" LOL!! (Sorry I these things just pop in my head!!) Thanks for stopping by, and leaving a guess on my pup! I LOVE your page! Very original! I work for a dr. who is a big hunter! I appreciate camo as well! Now I gotta go check you...I mean your page out! Again Welcome!
Oh I love it! I hope the part about being with the jerk wasn't personal experiance!! I do hope the next part is though!(wink!) You should check out WOW,
She has a wonderful way with words! I would love to help you with your cover photo, that's about all I would be good for! And reading it! Will you publish it soon!? I woud love to "review it" on my blog! I have a lot of friends that would love it! Watch out you may just get a "herd" headed your way! Great story! I can't wait to read more!! So...whatcha still doin here? You don't have time to lolly gag! Get to the next chapter!! he he!
Geez!...we are still over the $3 mark here! Our son in Fargo, said he got gas the other day for $2.27, I am shocked, except that WA has the highest gas tax in the nation, think I should move to MN...(my youngest siser lives there...)
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