Frankie and I have discovered that we might actually have some fun playing disc, and rather than the 'just fun and exercise' stance I'd originally taken regarding this fun sport, I think its going to become more than that.
This weekend I was lucky enough to get to meet some of the crew from the Minnesota Disc Dog Club, and man what fabulous group of people they are. Talented dogs, talented people... And more than that, both humans and dogs were just the friendliest, outgoing group I've ever met. They took Frankie and I under their wings and showed us what we can be working on this winter to help build the foundation and drive for a possible future in disc doggin competition!
I know, I talk all smart and positive right now. I am sure there will be many frustrations ahead of us. But I've found something that has really reached down deep and grabbed on. I dont want just a 'fling' with this sport. I want a full blown relationship. Not even the potential for agility has peaked my interests quite like disc has. And Frankie LOVES it.
Just so you can get an idea of what we're up against, check out this disc dog video!
Okay. Enough about disc. For now.
Saturday we had gotten word of a few sightings of a huge buck near the land where we have been hunting. So we spent some time and money at Cabelas buying some good, sturdy winter stuff that would get many years of use. Sunday morning, we woke up at 5am with the intention of heading out with our bows in search of this mighty buck. But we found that the weather had other plans, and due to the high winds and freezing temps we decided even if we did see him, nobody could shoot accurately enough in those winds to even get close to him. Back to bed we went.
Unfortunately, we got word last night that a friend of ours HAD in fact seen him yesterday... And bagged him. MAN! If that doesnt just punch you in the gut. Oh well. Our fault.
No photos for you today. I had taken my camera along yesterday to the park, fully intending to snap a few pictures of all these fabulous disc dogs. But in my excitement, I totally forgot all about it. Whoops.
I'll have something for you soon. I promise. Hang in there, folks!
Oh, and Happy Monday. Of course.
oooh toby would have loved this.
our current dogs (boscoe the border collie, and riley the whatever he is squirrel chaser) are not very interested in fetching and retrieving.
but toby lived for it.
i miss that.
Thanks for that fun video, Emily. Katy and I watched it and were laughing our heads off at the sheer fun of it. I wasn't aware of this sport. I have a real taste for dog dancing. I love the rapport between the dog and the person. This reminds me of that a little.
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