Rik wasn't mean. At least not this first time around. But he has a way of pushing me without actually pushing. Its fascinating to meet a person whose job is to read you and know your body from day one. He knew the difference when I just wanted a break and when I truely needed to rest. It miffed me just a little bit. He knew it even before I did. At the time my brain wasnt really functioning because I was so exhausted. But looking back over the course of my first training session, I began to realize how good he is at his job.
I can tell already this is going to be a love/hate thing for me. I love the training. My trainer rocks, my gym rocks, the people I'm surrounded by rock. Everybody is so helpful. I love it. But I hate it. I hate all of it. It's so hard. I am not nearly as in shape as I thought I was. You know what he made me do, right out of the gate? After taking my weight and measurements and strapping me with all this heart rate equipment, he puts me on the treadmill and tells me to run a mile. And he stands there the whole time, watching me and watching the display, taking notes, punching up the speed. But what was interesting was that while on my own, I would have taken a number of walk breaks. Yet when he was there, he would say just the right thing to make me push out more. I ran faster for a longer length of time than I have since high school. And he didnt yell once. I wanted to punch him in the face a handful of times, yes. But he never yelled at me.
So back to my original reason for posting... Its been almost 2 days since my session with my trainer. And I hurt. Everything hurts. Rik believes in working multiple major muscle groups at a time, which turns into a full body workout in no time. I was okay driving home that night. But I had to fall out of bed the next morning. Things that I would normally be able to do without even thinking about it, such as stepping up a stair or sitting in a chair, now take a few seconds of strategic thinking to figure out how to get up or down in the most painless way possible. Dont ask me to get out of my chair at work. I have snarled at a few co-workers for doing just that. My arms hurt. My back hurts. My abs hurt. My lungs hurt. My ass hurts. My legs hurt. I cant reach over to answer the phone without whimpering. Its been almost two days. And I am supposed to do the whole workout over again by Friday. And then I have to meet with Rik again on Monday, where we will do it again. What if I havent recovered by then??? Help me!
Tonight I have an easy cardio day, since I am still in recovery. And this weekend will be another easy cardio day. I have to get through it somehow. Rik said that if it ever gets easy that he's not doing his job. Those are the most frightening words that he has said to me to date. Red assures me that only the first month or so will be this bad. Then my body will get used to this eventually.
Oh brother... What have I gotten myself into?
OMG!! I'd love to say awww you're just fine the way you are, but I KNOW that you WANT this in a bad way...You go GIRL!!!
It's true! It stops hurting so much after the first couple weeks! I think I hurt for a whole week after my first session with my pt. Now I'm just mildly sore on occasion. But Rick is right about it never getting easy. They always find a way to step it up! Even when it's hard though, it's fun to think that two months ago, I would never have been able to do the things I can do now! Which must mean it's working, right?
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