We have a problem.
An addiction.
And nothing can remedy it.
Yes, Frankie and I have some issues.

We're obsessed with these round, plastic, uncooperative circles called discs.
Flying Saucers.
Pluto Platters.
I'm told by my fellow disc doggers that I have to keep sessions with my dog short in order to build her drive. Well, I've discovered that this in turn builds MY drive. Frankie doesn't want to end the game. I don't want to end the game. We are both left sitting there, wanting more. Which only makes the next time the disc comes out even that much more intense for the both of us.
Today I played with Frankie for about 5 minutes. Which was probably about 3 minutes too long. Don't tell the disc doggers. I put Frankie away, and then I went back outside with a handful of discs. Frankie was devestated to see me walk outside, with discs, withOUT her. I heard her yips and cries even as I shut the door behind me.
I felt like I was cheating on her.
But I had to get another 5 minutes with those discs. And 5 minutes turned into 10. And 10 into 20. And before I knew it, I had mastered a new throw.
Okay. I haven't mastered anything in the game of disc. But I'm getting the hang of it.
I know I pissed off my dog. But since a dog can only be as good as her handler, and it turns out that my throwing sucks, I'm really doing it for her own good. Right?
That's what I'm going to keep telling myself!
Look at my Aussie disc freak. Who likes the disc...?

~Photo courtesy of Larry Hotchkiss @ Canidography.com~
Well, you know we do!!
I've been working on my distance throwing for the quad. So far, I'm stuck at about 30 yards or so, but at least they are flying straight and flat!
Lol! Yeah, the behind the back throw is the one that I finally figured out last night. I totally got it with my right hand. Started on my left, most of them were floppy. I tried until I finally got a strait, smooth one. It was actually kind of relaxing just being outside by myself, tossing discs around.
I tried working on my distance throws too last night. It was okay. I never tried it in my yard before because I always thought I could throw past the limits of my yard. Found out that thats not close to being right. Lol! I didnt measure. I'll have to so I know if I'm improving. I even tried taking some steps before throwing. Lol! Didnt help much. I saw somewhere yesterday that the distance record was 104 yards. OMG!
WOOHOO.. Love the pic of Frankie!
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