I have so many reasons to be happy. My life is not really something that should ever qualify for a rant day. But I can't help it. And this is piddley stuff compared to others... But ohhhh!
I got 2 new dogs. Foster dogs. Who won't stop barking. Will not. Bark bark bark bark bark bark bark....
I jammed my big toe yesterday, and last night it started radiating up my foot, into my ankle and shin.
This morning, I tripped over excited dogs and flew into a wall, slamming the side of my right hand into the corner. I hope its not fractured. Its swelled way up and is very painful. But not the passing out pain the last time I broke a bone. It sure makes typing and everything else that requires use of my dominent hand very painful.
The one dog has diarrhea.
The other dog wants to kill my cat.
My own dogs don't feel like behaving because the other 2 are getting away with everything.
Did I bite off more than I can chew?
But the sun is shining. There are no barking dogs here at work. My hand is on ice. And I am going to go eat some string cheese now. And maybe pop a Relax Now. Or 3.
Happy Monday, friends.
Stay tuned tomorrow when I explain where I have been for the last week. It's a doozy.
Oh yeah! So that's why I don't foster anymore! Wow! At least I only have one barking dog. And at least she is well behaved in other aspects.
SQUIRT BOTTLE! DOY! I dont know why that never occured to me! Shotzy & Willie, prepare for wet faces...
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