Lots of random, because I don't have enough of one subject to talk about to make a really good post! I mean my last post was about gum. Gum. Really?
It snowed yesterday. Not much snow, but the drive home last night was aweful. Probably one of the worst drives I've had yet this season.
Freakin Punxutawny Phil saw his stupid shadow this morning. I shouldn't put him down like that. It's not his fault. And really, I kind of want a groundhog to keep at home. They are so fat and furry and cuddley looking. Less the teeth I guess. I'll have to make due with Sylvester.
I got my living room carpet shampooed last weekend. The house smelled so fresh and clean and I'd opened the windows briefly to get the musty cooped up all winter dog smell out. It was wonderful. But short lived. Red came home from fishing and got right to frying up his catch on my clean kitchen stove. So instead of fresh and glorious clean, my house now smells like old fried fish. Whatever.
My house in currently in complete disarray. There is stuff crowding my living and dining room. I started selling some stuff on ebay recently. And in my ventures, I came across this bedding set that I decided that I needed to have. We are still using a mix of JCPenney's Bed-in-a-Bags from mine and Red's high school years. Nice. Nothing matches. And I've been so into this DIY stuff lately and seen so many beautiful, clever bedroom redos that I decided it's time to do my own.
I told you that story so I could tell you this short story. Last night I spent caulking my bedroom walls. You see, two of the walls are wood panelling. Yay. And I dont want the crevices showing through the new paint. So I bought my own caulk and gun and I began the long process of caulking the cracks. I didn't get very far. It turns out that one tube of caulk, while taking almost 2 hours, only covers about a 10th of the wall. This project is already ticking me off.
Kirby and I are playing a new game. Tag. Every morning while I stand in the kitchen to say goodbye to Red, Kirby stands at the kitchen threshold. As soon as Red is out the door, Kirby begins barking at me. I take a quick, threatening step forward and bounce back, which sends Kirby into butt-in-the-air play mode. I take more steps towards him, which sends him into a butt wiggling, barking frenzy. Then I run at him and he makes a mad dash through the nearest escape hole (which usually begins under the end table and between the two recliners. I growl and threaten to 'get him' while pretending to chase him while he sprints and dodges and barks around the house. At first I thought this a dangerous game. I wouldnt want him to be loose outside and decide not to be caught because he wants to play tag. But I dont see the harm, considering that he only plays the game so that he does get caught. Getting caught is his favorite part and I've noticed that he runs for less and less time the more we play. When I catch him, I make a huge deal about it and give him lots of scratches and hugs and I pick him up and swing him around. He loves it.
Wow, I had more to say than I thought. Still complete randomness though. Can't believe you're still reading!
Home Sweet Home! by The Pioneer Woman
4 years ago
Nothing wrong with a bit of randomness! :)
I actually taught Lok a recall through chase games. I would chase him, then sit down and wait for him to come to me to start the game again. Taught him that coming to meant good things!
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