Monday, November 17, 2008

Monday Madness

Not really madness. But it is Monday.

I didnt really mean to take an entire week off from the blog. But it happened that way.

Since I got my camera back, I've been trying out some new angles on things.

Like Frankie's fur. I love Frankie's fur.

She's so soft and warm. Its not like my house has any fur-free blankets in it anyways. So what better way to keep warm then letting the Frankster sprawl out in my lap?

I love the cat's fur also.

Except his seems to land everywhere. The guy sheds like a... well like a cat. But its okay. I'm used to it.

We had some fun this weekend. Saturday we had a shindig at the shops and it was fun!

During this time, we also hosted the UFC fight at our house, which was just across the lawn.

It was quite a bummer of a fight in my books. I'm a Randy Couture fan. Big time. And he lost to Brock Lesner. Don't even get me started on Brock Lesner. He isnt a fighter. He's a giant oaf who throws his weight around just enough to knock some guy off his feet. In my own opinion, his win had little to do with skill, and much to do with sheer mass.

Randy is on the TV there talking to Joe Rogan after the fight. I was upset. To say the least.

We had a surprise guest for the evening though.

Mr. Bo Jackson!

Bo Jackson is the newly adopted pup of some friends of ours. Hes a very sweet puppy and the love of their lives. And we discovered that he really loves these chew bones.

Friday and Saturday we were blessed with mail. And in these packages were real, live frisbees. Doggy frisbees. No more of this fabric, fake disc stuff. Nope. We have real discs now!

What? Did somebody say discs?

Now you've gone and done it.

1 comment:

laurie said...

ah, your dog is so pretty.

how did you get the dog and the cat to get along? riley and boscoe hate cats.