Here is what I learned about 'Angel' food cake mix.
I learned that angel food cake mix could very possibly be used as the stuff they use to hold bricks together to make a wall.
I learned that angel food cake mix does not appreciate it when you try and remove it from a surface with which it has clung itself to.
I learned that when you accidentally spill angel food cake mix from the bowl in which you are mixing it, that you must whipe it up immediately. Or you will lose a very important window of opportunity to do so.
I learned that angel food cake mix will rise at an alarmingly fast rate. Think that just because the mix and the water fit into the bowl with some extra room that you're fine? Well think again, sistah, because angel food cake will expand itself by at least 5x once you start beating it with that mixer.
Oh oh oh... You better prepare yourself properly if you are a virgin angel food cake maker. Because it's not pretty in it's liquid form.
1 comment:
What? You screwed up an ANGEL FOOD CAKE!!!! Come on woman, you are one of the reasons that I have tried and ruined some of PW's recipes. Now I know not all my stuff turns out edible, but I KNOW I can make an angel food cake from the box. Maybe you need to try that Sinful Chocolate sheet cake, I KNOW you can make that one work. It must of been the box mix, cuz I know you can cook from scratch!!!!
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