Until you either own multiple dogs or foster multiple dogs for a rescue or shelter, then you can't understand the relief that can be felt when they all sleep. At the same time. When all of them stop the mayham and lay down together and sleep.

The chaos that prevails when all of these large dogs are up and at 'em is extreme. Do you see that toy thats is laying across the photo in 5 seperate pieces? That was done in about 3.2 seconds. By only one of them dogs. That leaves the other 3 do to the same thing to everything else within canine tooth range. It can be scary.

Ahhh yes, I love it when they sleep.
It's such a peaceful time that you don't dare shift in your chair. You don't dare change the channel. No no. You don't dare cough or sneeze. Nope because if you do, they wake up. Not just one, but all of them. And then the chaos starts over again. And then you can't watch that show that you changed the channel to and woke them up anyways.
Oh crap, I've said too much... Go back to sleep!!

Don't make eye contact! Maybe he won't see me...
1 comment:
I'm trying to email you, but once again, I get them back....Darn thing!!!
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