Happy Anniversary, me!
This blog actually began as a rant about how people treat their animals. If you look back to the first post, you will see I was angry because of a dog we were fostering who was just skin and bones.
From the very first post, this blog has been very focused around the canine variety. It's fun to look back and see just how much things have changed in only a year.
For one, nobody read this blog way back then. And I dont expect many to read it to this day. But you do. For some reason, you folks keep on coming back here.
"Build it and they will come".
I love ya for it. Thanks to my wonderful readers who keep me going everyday, and who keep me writing. My goal for this next year of 'Musings' is to learn how to upload and post my own videos.
One whole year!!
Happy Blog Birthday, Emmy.
I enjoy your blog and keep caught up on it faithfully. I like your spunky style and I greatly admire your rescue work.
Keep up the good work girl!
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