I want to take part in this dedicate a day thing. Except I wont be posting anything graphic. Or morbid. Or even really that interesting if you think about it. I am going to rant. And I'm going to rant on Mondays, because Mondays just have a bad rap. What better day to rant about things than Monday?
Sorry, no cool title or anything. Just Monday rants.
Todays rant:
Quaker Oatmeal Breakfast Cookies.
Are they breakfast? Are they Oatmeal? Or are they cookies?
Walmart can't seem to decide. Red likes his Quaker Oatmeal Breakfast Cookies. But I can't ever find them when I go shopping. Sometimes they are in the breakfast isle, over with the pop tarts and things. Othertimes, they are with the rest of the Quaker Oatmeal products. And other times, they are in a whole seperate isle, with other cookies and crackers and the like.
Then, there are those days when they aren't in any isle. Those are the days when I believe Walmart just gave up.
I mean, is it really that much of a big deal to dedicate a place for them and leave them there? So faithful shoppers like myself can find them?
Screw it. I'm going to Cashwise.
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