Monday, June 30, 2008

Beer Balls

Beer Balls

These are good, and so easy to make. They make for great appitizers.


~1 cup of beer
~1/4 pound butter (mmmmm, butter)
~1 cup flour
~1/2 tsp salt
~4 eggs
~Filling (try chicken salad, tuna salad or egg salad, or try cheese! Or come up with something of your own!)

Preheat your oven to 450 degrees. Grease a baking sheet (mmmmm,butter)In a large saucepan, heat the beer and butter (do I even need to say it again?) until it barely comes to a boil and the butter is melted. Add flour and salt, lower heat, and stir constantly until the mixure pulls away from the side of the pan and forms a ball. Remove from the heat and let cool for 1 minute. Add eggs, one at a time, beating each one in until the dough is shiny. Drop dough in 1 inch rounds onto buttered baking pan. Bake it 10 minutes at 450 degrees. Reduce heat to 350 degrees. Bake an additional 10 minutes until brown and dry. Let cool away from moisture. Split the puffs and fill with your choice of fillings.

Makes about 60 to 80 small puffs!

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Country Sunrise

There are several good reasons why I one day will live in the country. I can have my horses.. my big barn... no neighbors to worry about, and I'll have the quiet and the space and the home that I've always dreamed about. And thats not to say I dont love where I live now, because in all reality, I really do. Its perfect for us and it fits our life right now. And even though we are like the very last house before the country rolls on, its still not the country.

The older I get, the more I think about it. I even asked Red a few months ago when he thought we might move. He wonders why I am in a hurry. I'm not in a hurry to move... But I want the country. And here's why:

I finally got my butt up out of bed this morning at 5:30am... Okay fine, Red got my butt up out of bed this morning at 5:30am. Not because he was being mean, but because I had asked him the day before to please make sure my butt was up out of bed by 5:30am. Why? Because I wanted to go walk. With my dog, and myself, and the country. I wanted to be in the country while the sun was rising. And when I got there.. God didn't disappoint me.

Try to see past the powerlines that are totally screwing up the shot, because without them, I wouldnt have been able to share my morning walk with you folks. Try to see the sun rise behind the ugly powerlines.

Fine! Stop bitching about the powerlines! Here, see? No powerlines.

The benefit of living on the edge of a little farming town is that to get here, I only had to walk about a quarter mile. And I'm happy to do so so I can share these images with you all.
The sun at this time of day turns everything 40 shades of orange... Its really quite beautiful.

And it turns the sky so blue...

Is that a UFO up there?? OMG! No, its not a UFO. Its the moon. No really.
And then the sun is up, and the colors disappear and give way to pretty (hot) summer daylight.

And Jake, well... Probably he's tired of me stopping to constantly take pictures....

...When clearly I got my butt up out of bed at 5:30am this morning soley to take his highness for a walk in the country. He looks a little irritated with me, don't you think?
Love Em

My Brother Dave

Okay, so I dont actually have any brothers. I have half a dozen sisters of various origins. But my fiance, Red, does have a brother.

David is a great guy. And since I am marrying his brother, and I've been engaged for over 2 years now (clamp it) I think I can safely call Dave my brother.
Dave has taught me a lot. How to shoot guns. How to reload my own ammunition. And most importantly, that the hot wings that I like to enjoy are in fact "Girl Wings".
Dave and his buddies like go out somewhere in the Dakotas once a year to shoot at prairie dogs. Apparently they ruin the land or something. They go out with their giant guns and they lay on the ground and drink beer (hopefully not while shooting) and have a blast for about a week.
Since only a few of you reading this know Dave personally, you are the only ones who will be laughing with me when I explain the following photo.

David and his buddies need to watch out next year. Because the prairie dogs??

They aren't taking your crap anymore, Dave.

Monday, June 23, 2008

I Wanna Be an Author

One thing ya'll might not have know about me is that I have always and forever wanted to be an author. And I actually came close to getting halfway through a book of my own. But then life happened, and I didnt have time to finish putting so many thoughts into such a thing. Plus, you know, I'm like a huge procrastinator and never finish anything. I'm one of those people who gets a huge, fantastic idea in their head, for instance, redoing the entire bedroom one Saturday morning. So I'll spend and entire morning ripping clothes off hangers to wash, throw, store, etc, dumping everything off the dresser, bookshelves, headboard and nightstands, dusting, vacuuming... Then I'll take a break right before its time to put the room back together.... And the break never ends. So that evening, poor Red walks into our bedroom, only wanting to change into some clean clothes and lay down on our bed... And he cant hardly open the door. And even if he does manage to push into the mess, there are none of Red's clothes to be found under all the stuff, much less a place for him to rest on the bed, because thats where everything is piled.

So for all of those Saturdays that you have encountered since you decided we should live together, honey... I'm sorry. But not that sorry because you knew this about me before you moved in with me.
But his story only goes to show you... I cant ever finish anything. So finishing a book... Well I need to be able to finish the bedroom before I finish writing an entire novel.

So, I'm going to try something new. I am going to write, chapter by chapter, as I have time, if I ever have time, in the page entitled Wyoming Sun. Check it out if you're bored. If not... Well, go read the Funnies! And if you really don't like it, start a topic in the forums and ya'll can rant about me there. Sound like a deal?


Love Em

Saturday, June 21, 2008

Dog Park!

My lab, Jake, has never seen a dog park before. Not ever. And before you start judging me and throwing tomatos at me and calling me a crappy dog mom, just hear me out. First, I live in a little farming town of like 1,500 people. The nearest dog park is located a good hour from me. And second... well, tomatos have been blamed for the salmonella thats been floating around and I would just appreciate if you'd use like squash or something to throw at me.

Jake on the way to the dog park... Doesn't he look excited?

Probably just thinking "Hmmmm... Just another one of mom's crazy country drives that I got drugged along on". He has noooo idea he's going to the best doggy place on earth! And like I'd mentioned before... the drive was an hour long.

When we set Jake loose in the park, he wasnt sure what to do. So he eyed the Rottweiler that trotted past him, probably a bit nervously.

Actually... Jake doesnt look the least bit concerned about the Rott. Probably I was more nervous that Jake was.

Next he discovered the doggy water cooler. How cool is that! I dont even have a water cooler in my back yard!

Then "Moose" the giant Yellow Lab comes barreling towards us. Jake was excited, but then Moose seemed more interested in mowing myself and my sister down...
Jake is behind Moose.. Moose was a big yellow dog.

Tess and I began noticing that other dogs were coming back soaking wet. But we couldnt figure out why. Magic rain or something? No, turns out there was a creek back in the back of the park! Jake loves water... So we moved down the trail to check things out.

Holy cow! Look at all that fun! Woohoo!! Jake completely ditched Tess and I.

Moose followed us back.. I dont know that I saw Moose's owner once. He was our dog for the afternoon. Moose and Jake scrounged around their new pond for a while, while Tess and I tried our best to avoid all the muddy paws flying around us.

Then Jake found a new friend... An American BullDog named Cheeks.

Unneutered Cheeks got a little too friendly though... Thanks for the ass shot, Cheeks.

Cheeks and Jake hightailing it out of the creek...

Whoa! Right towards me! Jake! CHEEKS! STOOOOP! WHOA! HALT! SHIT!

Naw, its all good. Jake and Cheeks didnt run me over. They did run Tess over though. But I was holding my camera and phone still so luckily none of my stuff got muddy.
Tess, you okay down there?? Yep, shes good, folks.

And to show there are no hard feelings, Jake posed with his aunty Tess on her deck upon arriving home.

Speaking of sister Tess's deck, I had better mention her beloved new grill.

Tess is very proud of her big purchase and even posed just for you folks! She said "Em, this better end up on your blog". Okay, she might not have said that. But I am pretty sure she borrowed those tongs from the neighbor.

And after a long, hard day of play in the sun, Jake and I returned home to this:

That cat didnt do a single thing that I'd asked him to do while we were gone. And only God knows how he managed to flip the recliner foot up. I cant get out of that chair without flipping it down.
Kitty's got some freaky powers if you ask me.

Love Em

Friday, June 20, 2008

Dear Cat~

Dear Cat,
I have some issues with you right now that I would like to hash out. And now is as good a time as any with you laying over my arms while I am trying to type on the computer. You don't even look comfortable and you can't breathe lying like that with your butt higher up than your head but your brain is the size of a walnut so I will forgive you. First of all, the litterbox. Is it your goal to poop on the rim of the box? Because if it is, bravo! Mission accomplished, you can stop now. You have proved your point. It is not funny anymore, and I have run out of sticks in the yard to clean it off with. The box is big enough, and you are still small, so don't even go there. Now... making pointless, incessant noises. If I take something away from you because I am tired of hearing it scoot across the floor for the last 2 hours, it does not mean to go find something else to mess with. I mean really where do you find this stuff? A wad of paper? A bottle cap? Is that really that fun to play with? I put things on the coffee table because I want them there. I do not want you to knock EVERYTHING off of the coffee table in one of your mindless "tearing ass through the house for no reason" adventures every single day. Once in a while, it is amusing. Every day, it's not that funny. Your ass stinks. I mean REALLY stinks. Like the worst poop you've ever smelled. Why do you smell soooo horrible? I thought cats were clean! I have never experienced this smelly, stinky cat phenomena with any other cat on this Earth. Why, God, did you give me the most stinky cat in this solar system? And Cat, why do you insist on showing me your ass? I know it stinks, but what am I supposed to do about it? Bathe you??? LOL! Remember the last time that happened? I still have the scars... Also, when you sit on my arm, please have the kindness to put your tail over your butthole so it doesn't come into contact with my skin. I might catch something. Lastly, I am allergic to you. I know this isn't your fault, but knowing this, why do you insist on rubbing the whole length of your body on my face? Okay... I just pulled a CATHAIR out of my eye. No wonder my eyes are itchy if you are purposefully depositing your dander into my eyes! What are you trying to prove here? That you know I'm stuck with you? While you're busy carrying things about the house in your mouth to deposit them into some area that I haven't discovered yet- would you mind bringing me a peice of sandpaper to me so that I can alleviate the itching you've caused me? Oh- while we're on this subject, I need my hair ties back- I know you have them.
~Auther Unknown

Thursday, June 19, 2008


I love

Here are 10 reasons why:
10) I have an excuse for Red as to why there is cat hair on everything.

9) It gives me a reason to watch childish movies without feeling like a child

8) I'm not in prison

7) The animals dont bother me in the bedroom anymore

6) But they still beg to strangers like we're starving them

5) I can pretend to be stuck in my favorite chair so that I dont have to go help with the weed whacking

4) I get a personal chauffer

3) My animals offer to help me with styling my hair

2) And they even go to great lengths to help me clean the house!

1) Even the kitchen sink!

Love Em

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

No Green Thumb Here

I've learned over the years that my thumbs are far from green. As in... Dont ever offer me a plant as a gift. Unless you dont mind seeing it dead the following week. I can't keep things alive.

There are two plants that have managed to survive my lack of attention. The first is an Angel Plant that I purchased for $10 from WalMart about 2 years ago. I dont know how, or why, but she is still live and kickin. Probably because Red sneaks her some water when I'm not looking so as not to make me feel bad. And the second one is a beautiful Orchid plant that my big sister Jennifer gave to me for my most recent birthday. I've had it a little over a month now.. And only one bloom has fallen off of it. The remaining blooms are looking like they did the day I brought it home. And I think thats only for one of two reasons.
1) I usually can remember to water it when I am watering the dog.
Or 2) its sitting in the one single place in the house that my cat cannot reach.

Death is generally the eventual fate of any plant that enters my house. The ones that I want to keep alive. The ones that I really want to have hang around.

So... Lets talk about the outside plants. The ones that I dont want. The ones that I have actually made attempts to murder with my own bare hands.

Folks.. What in God's name is this thing?

This... thing... wont die. It wont. It refuses to go away. Currently, it stands about a foot tall and no matter how heavy that bloom gets, it continues to grow.

This plant is located in the worst of spots.. Right in the center of my lawn. Vern has mown over it for the past 2 summers at my request. I have whacked at it a time or two. Its in the way. But no matter how I try, I cant get rid of it. Its like effing rhubarb. Ack! Mac the Husky dog even loves to poop on it. He backs his bum up to it and shits all over it.

But I gotta admit... The bloom, now that its finally shown its pretty face for the first time in 2 years, IS sort of beautiful.

Sort of.

Next, we have this gawd aweful thing.

This mess of leaves and vines and flowers has grown at an alarmingly quick rate. My bathroom window is located behind that tangle of green and white. Yes, behind it. Which, depending on how you see it, could be an okay thing. But still... This mess has seen the weed whacker more than once, and still shes already 9ft tall. Jerk.
Oh, and I'm pretty sure I'm allergic to it. I have zero allergies, folks. I have good genes probably. But I go anywhere near this thing, my eyes start to burn, my tear ducts go crazy, its a blast. I truely feel for those of you with allergies.

There is one beautiful thing blessing us with her presence. But she only blooms for about 2 weeks out of the year. I love our apple tree.

I wish she would look like this all year around. I would see if Red could plant me a few more, but I really dont like bees all that much.

Off in the back, there are a few tiger Lilies floating up. Tangled in a mess of... Ferns?

Are those ferns?

These, I'll admit, are kind of pretty. The ferns and the lilies I wouldnt mind having floating around my home. But you and me both know what their future would hold if I ever attempted to do that.

I really do love plants and flowers. And I truely envy those with green thumbs and landscaping skills. I would love to have a garden of my own. But it would be a waste. I dont know how to care for fragile, living things.

God help me when we decide to have children.
I might forget to water them.

Love Em

Cheesecake Bars

Cheesecake Bars

Oh yes, you heard me right.. I said Cheesecake!I have spent the last 15 months trying to perfect the ultimate cheesecake. And you know what I've found in those 15 months??Cheesecake is stupid. Yeah, stupid. Its too dadgum hard to make! There are waaaaay too many ways to screw it up. Trust me, I know what I am talking about. I have screwed them all up.So today, I am going to offer the mother of all cheesecake recipes. And if you dont like it, well... Go find a different recipe. Because this one took me 15 damn months to perfect!Plus, well, its not really just cheesecake. These are cheesecake bars. But who needs a cake... Any party or event can be handled just fine with bars.


1/3 cup sugar
1/4 tsp salt
1/2 cup butter, softened
1 1/4 cups all-purpose flour
1/4 cup cocoa powder

1/2 cup sugar
1/4 cup half & half
1/2 cup Bailey’s Caramel (or regular if that floats your boat)
2 8-oz packages plain cream cheese, softened (DO NOT USE FAT FREE CREAM CHEESE, PEOPLE! Just trust me)
3 large eggs
1 tbsp all-purpose flour
1 tsp vanilla extract

Preheat your oven to 350F. Lightly grease a 9x13 inch baking pan. Begin by making the crust. In a large or bowl, cream together sugar and butter until its all smooth and fluffy. Sift together flour, cocoa and salt in a small bowl. If you dont have a sifter, then work it quick with a wisk. Working at a low speed, gradually beat in flour mixture. Mixture will be crumbly when all the flour has been incorporated. Press evenly into the greased pan and bake for 15 minutes.While the crust bakes, combine sugar, half & half, Bailey’s and cream cheese in a large bowl, and beat until smooth.. Add in eggs one at a time, waiting until each in incorporated to add the next, followed by flour and vanilla.Pour the filling over the crust when it comes out of the oven. Return pan to oven and bake for 25 minutes or so, until the filling is set (a 9×13 pan might need an extra couple of minutes, so be sure to test that the cheesecake is set by gently jiggling the pan before removing it from the oven).Make sure its cooled completely before you dig in. I know how tough it is, but you gotta wait!When the time finally comes, cut out half of the pan for yourself, and start chowing. Okay dont do that or you'll feel sick. But I dare you to stop at one bar.

Tuesday, June 17, 2008


Oh, do I have but the most exciting news!

Okay, well, its not THAT exciting in the light of day when you put the magnifying glass on the nitty gritty, and it certainly wont be exciting when I have to tell Red. Red doesn know yet. But he will once he gets a load of his woman's blog entry today!

Oh, you want met to get to the point already? Fine! You people have no patience. You should really work on that. I'm only human...

We have more new additions to our foster family. And yes, you might recall me once posting that we were taking a break. And we are. Sort of. And you might recall my once announcing Red's dislike for puppies. He loves puppies, as in... puppies who are walking down the street with OTHER people. Puppies who dont reside in our home. Puppies who eat and cry and pooh 14x a day in other peoples houses. Those are the kind of puppies that Red can appreciate.
Soooo... Red might be a bit touchy about the fact that Cj and I just pulled eight puppies from a kill shelter. Yup, you heard me. Eight. As in 4 + 4. Eight. As in 4 x 2. Eight as in 8 x 1. Eight (8) Half of 16 puppies. But there is good news to this terrible story. Oh, I realize saving 8 puppy lives isnt horrible. But 8 puppies coming into Red's life is pretty horrible. That would be almost worse than telling him that fishing season is OVER. But dont worry honey... its not. And only 1 puppy is coming to our house. The other seven (7) will be residing with the ever so eager Cj. Bless you Cj! Cj loves puppies. Because they are the only dogs that she is guarenteed not to fall in love with. See, its a big problem for me when foster families fall in love with their foster dogs. Because then they end up adopting their foster dogs. And then I am out one more foster family because that previous but now adopted foster dog took up the only dog room in the house. Whew.

But thats not going to happen again, is it Cj? Is it! Didnt think so..

Okay, stop shouting at me. Stop threatening to close out of the blog. Here are pictures of the puppies already.

First, the pup that I am hopefully keeping. Because i love him already. Meet Doc.

Is he not the sweetest looking puppy you've ever seen?!?! I want him because I'm already in love with his sweet little face. And I am going to go and ask Red right now if I can keep him. Oh wait... Red just bolted out the door. Okay, later then.Anyways... Doc is a Basset Hound mix puppy. Dont ask me what he is mixed with, I dont know. He also has 3 other siblings. Garth, Cooter and Elrod.

But, Emmie, I thought you said there were eight (8)!?! I only see four!
Well, prepare for oogles of cuteness. The eight comes from 2 litters, each made up of 4 pups. The second litter are four 8week old black lab puppies. Meet Rupert, Clyde, Cletus and Shasta.

Okay, bask in the cuteness for a while. I chugged my Mountain Dew too quickly, and so I'm going to go take a nap, but really, I am using the sugars to chase down Red and force Basset puppies on him.

Love Em.

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Father's Day

Happy Father's Day, Dad!

Love Em

Wednesday, June 11, 2008


Is it really June 11th already? Holy cats! Again, no excuses for my absense, except that I just dont have anything truely interesting to write about these days! I've got the summer fever and I am spending every free second I have outside in the sun. Because guys, I live in southeastern MN and if you happen to watch the news at all, you'll know that we are in flood watches and warnings at the moment. Its been raining and storming non stop for days. Tuesday was the first day that really stayed decent all day!

On a happy note, Merc was adopted last night! Woo!! I already miss my beautiful Dane girl... It was hard this morning trying to cope without her. She was so my baby, she followed me around everywhere. And unlike my own dog, Jake, Merc would actually attempt to help me in any way she could. Ha!

But Merc was adopted by a truely wonderful family. She already had 2 stunning danes who were meticulously well behaved. It was a thrill to see that there are still people out there who take the time to train their dogs. In my rescue field, we dont see it often. This woman has quite the head turning trio now! I'm so jealous! I tried talking her into trading her female dane for Merc, but alas, I am Dane-less now. Oh well... :o) I still have Diesel... (Oh boy) But even he has ditched me for the vet for the next couple of days.

Mac was quite lonely without his buddy, Merc. But hes going to have to make due with me and my crazy pets for company until he finds his forever home.

I see dark clouds surrounding my place of employment and its making me a bit nervous. We havent played volleyball in nearly a month now with all the storms cancelling our games every week. For those of you who dont know me, I live for volleyball. I get through the winter because I know that once I do, volleyball league will start up again. Rain rain go away!
Stay tuned for a new name that photo contest later this week! And the prize is going to be amazing! So come on folks! Participate this time!

I'm off to mope about not having any Danes at home. I'm not kidding, once you have experienced them and gotten to be loved by one, you just cant live without them. Its like alcoholism or drug addiction. This is Dane-olism. Its an addiction. Dont believe me? Go borrow your neighbors Dane for a day (with their permission, folks) and see it you can let them go at the end of the day. Not going to happen.

Halfway through the week!
Love Em

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Loaded Mashed Potatos

Loaded Mashed Potatos

Okay, I gotta first say, if you are trying to stick to a Weight Watchers program or something, this recipe will throw you off the charts. Promise. Especially if you are on that pesky Points plan... This recipe has like 2 days worth of points all wrapped up into one little spoonful. I dont know that for fact, but I can tell you its close... If I were on a diet (which I am) I would still totally chow on these potatos. You only live once, right? Hey, I'm just trying to keep it real.


~2 sticks of butter (yeah thats what I said, butter... Dont be afraid)
~10 medium sized baking potatos
~2 cups shredded chedder cheese (or whatever kind of cheese floats your boat)
~1 heaping cup Sour Cream
~1/2 cup real Bacon bits (not the hard, salad kind either. I'm talking the soft kind.. Or you could be efficient and just make some bacon up yourself and tear it into pieces)

Bake the potatos on a cookie sheet for about an hour at 400 degrees. While they are baking, cut the sticks of butter into pats (just slice them about 10x) Throw all of the other ingredients into a giant mixing bowl (and I do mean giant). When the potatoes are done, take them out of the oven, and throw 2 of them into the bowl (careful, they are HOT!) And yes, leave the skins on! If you have a problem with potato skins, by all means, peel them. But dont be a wuss like that. The baked skin gives the final product wonderful flavor and texture! Now grab your handy, dandy potato masher, and start mashing them into the other stuff you threw in earlier. Then grab two more, and continue this process until its all mashed and stirred together. Its important to mash the potatos while they are still hot. This melts and blends everything and just makes it easier. Believe me, I know. Its an aweful pain in the rear if you let them cool.
Now, grab a giant spoon (and yes, I do mean giant!) and plop a heaping giant spoonful of this heavenly dish into a bowl, and sprinkle some extra cheese onto it... And go get a second helping because you want to get as much as you can because once someone else gets a taste of this stuff, it will be gone before you can blink.

Sunday, June 1, 2008

Doggy MMA

Well happy June everybody. I know summer doesnt begin until the 21st, but for me, June 1st is always the kickoff for summer. Especially when its on a weekend!! Wooo!!
The dogs can sense my excitement I think because they are really having a hay day in the house this morning. Maggie the German Shorthair went to her new home yesterday. And Vail, the HS dog, was adopted yesterday during their 1st annual "Who Let the Dogs Out?" event. So now its just Merc and Mac fostering here with me at the moment. And let me tell you, these two know how to whoop it up.

Well, see for yourself. But first, let me make it clear, I do NOT in any way condone or support real dog fighting. And while these two can look vicious at times, they are only playing with each other. Each came out of the fake brawl unscathed...

First, the staredown...

Merc's icey blue eyes are enough to make anybody turn and hightail it in the other direction. Plus, you know, shes like 85lbs and growing steadily every day. I wouldnt want to fight this girl. But Mac?? Two hot stick blue eyes arent enough to throw him...

Their eyes meet... This is a scary moment for me.

Mac is also closing in on 70lbs... Big dogs.

And they're up! Oh boy...

Mac: You wanna go you jolly green giant? (This was my nickname in school. Its okay, I'm over it.)
Merc: It's on you bag of Husky scum!

Mac starts off in the lead... Probably going for a triangle...

Oh! But Merc slams him to the ground!

Merc is recovering!!

But she gets flipped! Mac looks like he's about had it with her rookie Dane grapling style. He's about to pounce...

He's got her in a guard! Merc's gotta get out of there if she stands a chance!

Mac moves in for the kill shot...

It's all over for Merc!

And Merc is out cold!!!

Such athletes...

But in all reality, dog fighting is bad. Don't support it. These two are good buds in real life... And they are great for wearing each other down. Tired dogs are good dogs ya know.

Peace out my homies!
Just kidding. Dont know where that came from. I havent said 'homies' since the 7th grade.

Love Em