The older I get, the more I think about it. I even asked Red a few months ago when he thought we might move. He wonders why I am in a hurry. I'm not in a hurry to move... But I want the country. And here's why:
I finally got my butt up out of bed this morning at 5:30am... Okay fine, Red got my butt up out of bed this morning at 5:30am. Not because he was being mean, but because I had asked him the day before to please make sure my butt was up out of bed by 5:30am. Why? Because I wanted to go walk. With my dog, and myself, and the country. I wanted to be in the country while the sun was rising. And when I got there.. God didn't disappoint me.

Try to see past the powerlines that are totally screwing up the shot, because without them, I wouldnt have been able to share my morning walk with you folks. Try to see the sun rise behind the ugly powerlines.
Fine! Stop bitching about the powerlines! Here, see? No powerlines.
The benefit of living on the edge of a little farming town is that to get here, I only had to walk about a quarter mile. And I'm happy to do so so I can share these images with you all.
The sun at this time of day turns everything 40 shades of orange... Its really quite beautiful.

And it turns the sky so blue...

Is that a UFO up there?? OMG! No, its not a UFO. Its the moon. No really.
And then the sun is up, and the colors disappear and give way to pretty (hot) summer daylight.
And Jake, well... Probably he's tired of me stopping to constantly take pictures....

...When clearly I got my butt up out of bed at 5:30am this morning soley to take his highness for a walk in the country. He looks a little irritated with me, don't you think?
Love Em
1 comment:
I did a search on country sunrises and it brought me to your page. Could I have your permission to use an image
( for a graduate level nursing course presentation at South Dakota State University?
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