Jake on the way to the dog park... Doesn't he look excited?

Probably just thinking "Hmmmm... Just another one of mom's crazy country drives that I got drugged along on". He has noooo idea he's going to the best doggy place on earth! And like I'd mentioned before... the drive was an hour long.
When we set Jake loose in the park, he wasnt sure what to do. So he eyed the Rottweiler that trotted past him, probably a bit nervously.

Actually... Jake doesnt look the least bit concerned about the Rott. Probably I was more nervous that Jake was.
Next he discovered the doggy water cooler. How cool is that! I dont even have a water cooler in my back yard!

Then "Moose" the giant Yellow Lab comes barreling towards us. Jake was excited, but then Moose seemed more interested in mowing myself and my sister down...
Jake is behind Moose.. Moose was a big yellow dog.

Tess and I began noticing that other dogs were coming back soaking wet. But we couldnt figure out why. Magic rain or something? No, turns out there was a creek back in the back of the park! Jake loves water... So we moved down the trail to check things out.

Holy cow! Look at all that fun! Woohoo!! Jake completely ditched Tess and I.
Moose followed us back.. I dont know that I saw Moose's owner once. He was our dog for the afternoon. Moose and Jake scrounged around their new pond for a while, while Tess and I tried our best to avoid all the muddy paws flying around us.
Then Jake found a new friend... An American BullDog named Cheeks.

Unneutered Cheeks got a little too friendly though... Thanks for the ass shot, Cheeks.
Cheeks and Jake hightailing it out of the creek...

Whoa! Right towards me! Jake! CHEEKS! STOOOOP! WHOA! HALT! SHIT!
Naw, its all good. Jake and Cheeks didnt run me over. They did run Tess over though. But I was holding my camera and phone still so luckily none of my stuff got muddy.
Tess, you okay down there?? Yep, shes good, folks.
And to show there are no hard feelings, Jake posed with his aunty Tess on her deck upon arriving home.

Speaking of sister Tess's deck, I had better mention her beloved new grill.

Tess is very proud of her big purchase and even posed just for you folks! She said "Em, this better end up on your blog". Okay, she might not have said that. But I am pretty sure she borrowed those tongs from the neighbor.
And after a long, hard day of play in the sun, Jake and I returned home to this:

That cat didnt do a single thing that I'd asked him to do while we were gone. And only God knows how he managed to flip the recliner foot up. I cant get out of that chair without flipping it down.
Kitty's got some freaky powers if you ask me.
Love Em
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