I am in love with their accents. I melt at the lovely ways that they speak. The landscapes, the weather, the moodiness of it all...

Ultimately, I am a natural born hick. I'm horses and cows and hunting and moose and woods. I'm Camo and Cabela's and fishing and agriculture and that's just always who I've been. But for as long as I can remember, I have always felt a pull at the very thought of Ireland.

Now, I'm not much of a traveler. I never have been. I love the states and have never really had any urge to leave. I love Minnesota, I love the fields and the forests and the wildlife. I've never been a beach bum. I dont flinch at the idea of spending long vacations in the poconos or Jamaica or wherever. If I did, I'd go live in Florida or California. Nor do I have a feel for the fast city life. I will never reside in New York or Seattle or Boston. I'm not a fashion monger, I could care less about current trends, and dont ever plan on stepping foot in Paris or Milan.
There truely is no where else in the world that I would choose to be.
Until I start thinking about Ireland. And I dont know what it is. I have spent years trying to put my finger on it. Mostly I ignore it. I'm not a flyer. I've never been on a plane and I'm not in a hurry to do so, either.
But I cant help but wonder what it would be like to be there, in Ireland, experiencing it all.. On a huge, lush, green, misty hill that goes on forever. Yielding only to the cliffs that drop down into the sea. The rarity of the sun there. The swirling fog, the silverey clouds. There is something there that's got its hook in me, and it wont let go. I feel attached to it.

I've never been there. I dont know anybody who's ever been there. I haven't seen any movies that are set there. I have read a book though. And while it may have something to do with it, I highly doubt this book is the reason Ireland fills my dreams at night. For years.

So what is going on?? I haven't the foggiest. To my knowledge, I dont have any distant relatives there. I have no links or connections to Ireland in any way that I am aware of.
Maybe I need to just go. Maybe I need to swallow my fears, load my butt onto a plane, and go see this place that my dreams are telling me to find.
Hmmm... I wonder if Red would ever consider honeymooning in Ireland...