Sunday I drove a rescue transport from Clear Lake, Ia back into Minnesota. 4 beautiful Australian Shepherds and a Husky mix found rescue this weekend. Its fun to drive those runs and I would recommend it to anybody. You meet such fabulous people and even cooler dogs.
One of the Aussies came home with me. Her name is Umi. I'm having trouble coming up with a new name for her... Originally I was thinking Cami or Cam or Cameron or or or... But I really like the name Frankie. I know its a boys name. But why does it have to be a boys name? Last night I was watching an old AFV (America's Funniest Home Videos) with Daisy Fuentes hosting, and Umi started barking at something outside, so I yelled to her and accidentally called her Daisy. Shes not a Daisy.

This is Umi. Or Cami. Or Frankie. Isnt she beautiful? Shes a blue merle Aussie. Shes very small, probalby only 35lbs or so. I love her to death already. I see agility in this girls future!
Jake was feeling pretty confident going into this brawl. His 75lbs could take her scrawny little butt no problem. But he was wrong.
Umi is quick. And agile. And super athletic. And she may be just a baby yet, but she can hold her own.
Tennis balls are her life. She will do anything for a tennis ball. And this stuffed bird, which I can honestly say I have no idea where that bird came from...
Saw the movie "Hancock" over the weekend with Red. Great movie, I would highly recommend it. It was actually quite funny and there are surprises that I didnt anticipate. Go see it! Next we are going to see Wanted, and after that, X files. I always liked X files because I love the paranormal stuff. But Red is obsessed with XFiles.. And the thought of an X files movie coming out, well, he acts like I would if there were a "Friends" movie coming out.
What, there's a Friends movie coming out???? Oh, wait, that was me. Well they need to make a damn movie already.
Oh, I almost chopped my finger off this weekend. My right pinkie. Yup. Bled all over the place, I think it went down to the bone. And it was at just the right angle that a little bit of fat can be seen in there even. Sorry, I dont mean to be graphic. But, well, I had to see it. The least I can do is tell you about it. Dont worry, I'm not posting pictures of it. But its all good because since I broke my right hand a couple years back, I already learned how to do everything with my left hand.
Have a great week, folks!
Love Em
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