On a different note, I have resigned from Dogs Deserve Better. I am sad about it, but due to some recent drama added to the stress of running a dog rescue, I need to get out. Temporarily at least. Red is happy with the decision.. Of course.
Currently we only have Kuma here at home. Kuma is a 100lb Malamute whom I'd pulled from a local humane society last winter, they were going to euth him soley because of his size. "Nobody will ever adopt a dog that big!" they said. So I grabbed him up. The couple who adopted him have returned him, through no fault of his own, and while he is now locked into MinnKota Mal rescue, we are fostering him until he is adopted.
Kuma is a gorgeous Malamute by the way. See for yourself!

Kuma is a big dog. Big, big dog. The photo does not do justice to the sheer size and width of this dog.
Kuma does not get along well with Mizz Frankie. He likes to throw his weight around, because... well... he can. And he outweighs poor Frankie by a good 70lbs or so. She squats down and pees out of sheer terror if Kuma even looks at her.
And who in their right mind would want to hurt this precious hunk of merle love?!
Certainly not me. Bad Kuma! Jake tries.... But he fails.
Any "Friends" fans out there??
""Frankie say Relax!""

Love Em
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