Then, I started sitting in on calving and foaling nights. All night up in a barn, doing nothing, without the option of sleeping. I remember the first time I sat in on a foaling... My girlfriend Ashley's mare was about to give birth, and she had been a mare in the past whom generally had difficult births. Her parents had sat in the night before, and being this was a Friday, the ask Ash and I to take over.
A few hours in, we were struggling. Ash's ma brought us mugs of coffee. Plain, black coffee. So I drank it. And I've been addicted every since. And I've always taken my coffee just the same... hot and black. Nothing fancy. But then after high school and a brief jaunt experimenting with Cappuchino, I discovered creamer. And from the creamer I went to Expresso. And on and on and on. Then I started a desk job. And sit down, 9 hour a day desk job. And I realized at that moment on my second day why my parents loved their coffee so much. (By the way, my dad makes a perfectly balaced pot of coffee.. Balanced meaning strong. Super strong. Its gotta be strong if you're going to drink it black)

All that was over 3 years ago.. Now, I cant function without my morning pot of java. Don't freak out, I dont drink a whole pot. Well, yeah I actually sometimes do, but my coffee maker is one of those little 5 cup pots and Red drinks half of that before my feet even hit the floor.
How about Starbucks with their oh so yummy Frappuchinos? And McDonalds with their new Iced Coffees? And Monster Energy with their coffee flavored energy drinks? You just cant go wrong with coffee, folks. Even if you think you don't like it, there is a coffee out there that would suck you into this coffeehouse world so fast you wouldnt even know which coffee bean hit you.
There are so many things you can do with coffee! Its incredible! I'm still generally a hot and black type of gal. Occassionally I will snazz it up with a bit of creamer. But here at work, its all black baby. Strong, hot, black coffee... Gotta go git some.
Love Em
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