I'm cool.
Yeah huh! DHW even said so. She nominated me for a cool blog award.

Awweeee... Thanks girl!
But there are rules and responsibilities with this award.
So here it is:
1. Put the logo on your blog
2. Add a link to the person who awarded you
3. Nominate 10 other blogs
4. Add links to those blogs on yours
5. Leave a message for your nominees on their blogs
And the Nominees are......(Here is where you imagine me on stage, high heels, skinny little black dress, me IN the skinny black dress, brown hair not a hair out of place, yeah that's me all right)
1) DHW ~ Back at ya girl
2) Train Wreck
3) Anya
4) W.O.W.
5) Terry
6) Country Girl Kate
7) Pony Girl
8) Kimba
9) Dlyn
10) Three Dog Blog
These are my top 10 read blogs. These are the blogs that I HAVE to visit every single day whether they have written or not because otherwise I go into withdrawls.
Thanks, Em. I don't want you to go into withdrawal. That's never any fun.
LOL!!! Thanks to Snoopers for bringing you into my life.
wow, thanks, emmy!
fortunately my dogs are endlessly entertaining, so you seldom have to go without a new boscoe and riley story.
ps you are totally cool!
My email wont' send to you again....Pissing me off!!!
Still cant' email you so...
You are so bad…
Sound like something I would do.. LOL!!!
Myjah is at the neighbors (the one who trains those kind of dogs) to get some training on her.
If we didn’t do something with her Dan was going to have a caniption fit with her. He should be able to get her mellowed out somewhat. Luckily Tanner knows him really good so he won’t be charging us for this. Let me tell ya, Snoopers is a whole different dog now that she’s not there. Back to his normal self. I love it!!!!
We did find the two baby kitties that were missing.
One was run over on the gravel about ¼ mile west of our house. The other one was at another neighbors about ¾ of a mile away. They brought Tiah home from confirmation one night and she asked them. Sure enough they had a black and white fluffy baby kitty that had showed up. So, we brought him into the house now so he can’t disappear on us again. We have 4 cats outside now. Two strays that showed up (getting able to get closer to them). Poon who we brought home from the used clothing store in Algona and a sister of the two kitties who’s name is Pochantos.
Thank you Em!
Now we need a pix of you in heels and that black dress handing out awards!
Next post .. right?
AWWW You are too sweet! Here I am So far away, unable to catch up on all my friends,and you give me an award?? I love you! Thank you Thank you thank you!! I will post it on my blog as soon as i can. I am sneaking on while the boys are playing cards...shhh... don't tell. I think next year we need to have a little "blogirl" get together! You game??
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