I prefer doing it this way. Mostly because I get to open my gifts early. Woohoo!!
I want to gush about the gift I received from Red this year. Most of you animal lovers wont be impressed. Most of my fellow rescuers are shocked and horrified to find that I hunt and fish as well. I fully believe that the two can live harmoniously. And its not like I go out and kill innocent animals. Its all about population control. We cant trap, spay and neuter all of the deer. If those hunters stopped hunting, I dont know if ya'll fully understand the consequences of the rapid increase in deer numbers. Think deer/car collisions.
And that's all of the defending I am going to do on my part.
Back to my gift...
Red got me a rifle! My very own rifle. Its a Tikka T3 Light bolt action 243 cal.
I love the bolt action rifles. I always get to shoot Dave's guns but they just don't quite fit me right. I have to adjust myself awkwardly in order for them to feel comfortable enough to make a shot. But my Tikka... Its perfect and beautiful and perfect and I love it. I lift it to my shoulder and its like I was born with it in my hands.
I'll get you pictures of my new baby soon. I love it!
Thanks Red!!
The men in my life would be so jealous of that gift, you know that don't ya!!
Merry Christmas my friend!!
It's been almost a year now that you have been in my life and you have enriched it, believe it or not!!!
Hey girl,
I was so glad to see your comment at my blog. I haven't heard from you for quite awhile and I've wondered. Of course from the photos, I see why now. C U T E pups! I am just awed by your rescue work, Emily. You'll be rewarded for that one day....though, I guess you already are every time you place a pup with a person and it works you make two beings happy and that's gotta feel good.
I get it about your gun. I don't hunt but I do have a gun. A pistol. I have it for self protection but I love shooting targets. If I practice a lot I get pretty good. Right now I'm not. I like that gun a lot. The weight of it, the textured rubber grip. Sounds like Red really knows the way to his girl's heart!
I hope you have a wonderful holiday Emily. I have so appreciated your comments and visits this year. Merry!
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