In fact it hasn't stopped in almost 2 days.

Now, I realize that per these pictures that you can't really tell that it's snowing. But it is. Believe me. Its trickery that my camera has decided not to photograph snowflakes anymore.

But you only have to see the lowly shovel in the corner to see that we have given up trying to keep the path cleared of the annoying white stuff.

Even the dogs refuse to go outside. My dogs, who love to take their time romping in fresh snow only because they enjoy seeing mom outside with wet hair at 6am freezing her hiney off waiting for her precious furry babies to go to the effing bathroom.
What? I'm calm!
That drift is threatening to fall on me again. And this time it has bigger, spinier icicles with which to stab me with.

1 comment:
This weathe is freaking ridiculous. What is going on? Hubbies truck was frozen this a.m. LITERALLY!!! His front tires were frozen and would do nothing but slide. He was not happy!! Must of been too much snow drift busting yesterday trying to blaze a trail so I could get my car home!!
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