And don't think I didn't hear all of you Musings followers slapping your foreheads and saying 'Doy'.
Anyways... As I was saying. I have a yellow lab mix named Jake.

Jake and I have been around the block together. He's the love of my life. He has been with me since before Red even came into the picture. He and I have been through it all. Fleas, moving, heartache, joy.. He's been by my side for so many years now. I don't remember life without him.
My lab is quickly aging on me. It breaks my heart everyday to see him get grayer in the face. To amble along instead of walk. He still has a lot of life left in him. But I am seeing the changes more and more these days. And recently, there has been a change in my old man. It's like he isnt here anymore.
When I got him, he was a stray. So we, the vet and I, took a random crack at guessing his age. I think we guessed too low. And I always thought so, but I never wanted to admit it. But now that he's a 'senior' canine, I am being forced to admit that my years with my lab are getting numbered.
I fear that this dog rescue is taking it's toll on him. And the more I think about it and the more I watch him, you can bet your ass that I would give up my rescue, even temporarily, if it would mean I could have my dog back.
I can't quite put my finger on what it is. Maybe he's upset that I brought the Aussie into our home. Maybe he doesn't want all of these dogs coming and going. I mean, that has to be hard on a dog, right? The pack is continually changing, and he's always been at or near the bottom.
When I put everybody else away and Red is gone, it's just Jake and I. And when it's just the two of us, my labby boy shines through. The spunky, playful dog comes back out of his shell. I miss my dog, and I cherish these moments.

His eyes are getting a touch of fog in them. His stride is a little bit hitched. His face is graying...
Stop graying, Jake. I don't like it.
If we go by the age that we aged him at when I got him, he would be about 7 years old now. But sadly, I believe we are off. I think he's at least 8, maybe more. But it doesnt matter to me his age. Or his looks. He will stay with me for the remainder of his life. And if God grants us another 5 years together, I will rejoice. I don't have to prepare myself for anything just yet. My labby boy is here with me tonight, and I will give thanks. And I will continue to give thanks for the rest of my life to be lucky enough to have been owned by a dog like Jake.