Woohoo! Havent had one of these in a while, have we?
This one is going to be a name-that-photo contest. It will end this Sunday evening (2/8) at 9pm CST.
Winner will recieve their choice of one of the following:
A) $20 gift card to WalMart
B) $20 gift card to Starbucks
C) $20 gift card to Kwik Trip
The winner will be chosen based on the best depiction of the following photo. Leave your answer in the comments section of this post.

Winner will recieve their choice of one of the following:
A) $20 gift card to WalMart
B) $20 gift card to Starbucks
C) $20 gift card to Kwik Trip
The winner will be chosen based on the best depiction of the following photo. Leave your answer in the comments section of this post.

What! I do all that I am told, sit , stay, don't beg, beg, leave the cat alone, outside , inside lay down, sit up...whew all day every day! And all I get is this lousy last year looking garland halo? I deserve wings I tell you! I am going to chew something to shreds!
(Looking around) HA ah My plan is coming together (evil laugh) I must be the winner, all other are being redirected as we speak...bwaahhaa Bwwaaaahhhaaaa BWAAAHHAHHAAAA cough cough er ahem, what no one else has been here!?? I am pretty intimadating you know, have you seen the size of me?
Does my eyeliner look ok???
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