So maybe I'll just ramble today? Is that okay with you? No? Tough, its my blog and I can write about anything I want to. That's the glory of having your own blog.
I'm pumped that my fighter won on Saturday. Okay, he's not my fighter. But he should be. (heart pitter pattering) Georges St. Pierre won Saturday's fight against BJ Penn by TKO. After trash talking GSP for the past 3 weeks on Primetime about being a quitter, Penn himself quit the fight after round 4.
It's cold here again. I'm not happy. Neither are my dogs. The weekend was gorgeous. It was sunny and wind free and warm, in the high 30's. It was sweatshirt weather. And half of the snow melted away. But it was mean. It was a teaser for whats to come... 2 months from now! Stupid groundhog and his stupid shadow. 6 more weeks of this? Can anybody say cabin fever?
Those of you who have not heard the news (which would be surprising, since I have been shouting it from my rooftop for over a week now) Red has agreed to let me have a fence. I know, doesn't seem like a big deal, right? You're wrong. It's a very big deal. Everybody dreams of what their home will be like when they are young. I have many visions for future homes. I hope that the next place we live will be in the country and that we just wont move again after that. But for now, I adore our little house. I love the gigantic yard. There are 3 things that I have always dreamed of having for my home that we just don't have.
1) A center island. Like a kitchen island. Not a big one, a little one. Our kitchen is big enough. I want an island. Red doesnt. Fine.
2) A weeping willow tree. I love willow trees, and I always dreamed of having one. Red hates them. Fine.
3) A fence. It was just a fact in my mind that when we bought a house that we would have a fence. I had 1 of my 2 dogs at the time, and a dog should have a yard to play in without being hindered by long lines and leashes and cables. We've lived there for 2.5 years now. And still no fence. Bringing up the matter of the fence would only upset Red. He didnt want a fence. Not fine!
Well, folks... I'm getting a fence. Proving only that NAGGING WORKS.
And not an ugly chain link fence that I would have settled for. Not a short black iron fence. Not an electric fence. We are installing a 6ft, stained wooden privacy fence around the perimeter of our large backyard. Its better than pure gold in my book.
I did make the mistake of telling Red that he could probably get anything he wanted out of me only by referencing the fence. Whoops. But I guess that makes up for bugging him about fences for the past 2.5 years.
I have begun spring cleaning a bit early. Every weekend, I choose one little area that has been bugging me. And I clean it. I empty away everything, scrub it down, throw away most of what was there, and voila! Freecycle anybody? You wouldnt believe how much crap I have gotten rid of by posting it on freecycle. One womans trash is another womans treasure. Most recently, I got rid of my Betta fish setup thats been sitting on a shelf for the past 2 years. God rest your souls, Bob & Sam. But I never again want another fish. Rather than tossing it as I'd planned, I put it on freecycle on a hunch and a lady took it the next day.
I'm done talking now. I have work to do.
1 comment:
Freecycle...what is that???
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