I drive into work this morning, minding my own business. My entire drive is on highways/freeways. So when I come to a stretch of road where there are vehicles merging onto the highway, I am a curtious driver and I move myself over.
And what do I get in return for my kindness? A jack ass in the box. Or rather, a jack ass in an ugly black Jeep. And don't think I don't know who you are, pal.
I move on over and let him on. And since he's still going slow, I speed up to pass. And what does he do? He punches the gas and stays right next to me. All the way to the damn on ramp to the freeway. Never before have I let go such a string of obscenities in a single sentence. I was angry. I was furious. I was completely enraged. And 5 minutes later when I finally pulled into my parking spot at work, I was still shaking from my anger. Are people really that bored these days that they feel it necessary to cause potential for an auto accident? I mean really?
But you know what? Thanks for letting me vent, folks. I feel great now. We have more snow coming! Woo! Maybe it will make for a half work day. Maybe. Just maybe.
Then I can take some more photos. And share them with you. And get back to my normal blogging strategies. Yeah. That sounds nice.
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