Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Good Day

I've decided that it's going to be a good day.

It's Wednesday. Today is the day that life is going to be normal again.
The pups leave at 2pm, onto a foster momma who happens to prefer silly, messy, smelly puppy antics over just about anything else. I think that it's her sanity. While it's quite the opposite for me.

For those of you who missed the last post explaining what in God's name has happened to me, here is a bit of a refresher.

Puppies happened to me.

Now between today's photos and yesterday's photos, you will notice that there is always one puppy who looks completely innocent and calm. He is the only boy in a large crew of women. I've come to the conclusion that A) either these woman have driven this boy past regular sanity and he just cant take it anymore, B) He is setting me up and making me believe he is timid and shy when really he's planning some secret escape plan or C) He is silently pleading with me to get him the hell out of there.

I don't know about you all, but I am going to go with C.
As I mentioned earlier, I am going to make today a good day.

After a white knuckled drive home last night from work added to the knowledge that my beloved yellow babies were leaving me today, I took a moment to fully appreciated the sunrise this morning.

I love the super tall pine trees around our home.

Yes, I see all of the power lines. Cripes, get off my back about it. I need power, okay? I need lights and a microwave and a tv and a washing machine, okay?

I did ask Red to please remove this drift on the roof before it tried burying me.

Because that would certainly ruin my mood today.


Decor To Adore said...

Love the pups!I hope you'll visit soon, I will have my last giveaway of December this Friday.

Hohni said...

He's way too cute!!!OMG!!!!
Just think, you'll have it back to normal again (pry just for short time knowing you) and be able to get some rest!!!

Train Wreck said...

Oh they are adorable! He is an Angel, you can see it in those big brown eyes!! You know you will miss them...

Farmchick said...

Ohhhhhhhhh he is just too sweet! I would get wayyy to attached to all those pups....I get attached so quickly!! Thanks for stopping by my blog and commenting too!!! Hope you will come back soon! I will drop by again. By the way..I am your neighbor to the west!