Saturday, December 20, 2008

Still Snowing Part 2

Well when I said before that even my dogs didn't want to go outside....

They changed their minds, okay?

Jake's nose never leaves the ground. NEVER. It has gotten him in trouble in the past.

But hey, at least you can see that it's snowing outside this time.

And Frankie... Well what can be said about Frankie? Look at her.

What a tool... I can only chuckle at my crazy Aussie.


Hohni said...

Still here also. Stupid weather. Snoopers HATES IT!!! Tiah and I are making PW's no knead dinner rolls now and the candy cane cookies! Maybe you want to come and visit. Oh yeah, Dan is making venison meat loaf!!

Hohni said...

Email me at work!!! I need to know what you needed on that dog