Monday, February 9, 2009

And The Winner IS...


Her clever comments could have been coming right out of Jake's big toothed mouth.

"What! I do all that I am told, sit , stay, don't beg, beg, leave the cat alone, outside , inside lay down, sit up...whew all day every day! And all I get is this lousy last year looking garland halo? I deserve wings I tell you! I am going to chew something to shreds!"

What are you saying about my garland, TrainWreck?? You got a problem with my lousy last year looking garland????? Just kidding. It its pretty last year, isnt it. Dang.

Congrats!! Email me at to claim your prize!!!!


gtyyup said...

Congrats Trainwreck!!

Howdy Em...thanks for stoppin' by my blog!! Way in Minnesota huh? My mom was from Minnesota...moved to Oregon in 1950 or so.

darsden said...

Congrats Train Wreck

Hohni said...

NOOOOOOO, you can't pick a winner yet, I didn't come up with anything clever. LOSER ME!!!!
Anywhoooo, Congrats Train Wreck!!

Train Wreck said...

Me...Truly!? Why thank you. I really thought Hohni would show up and spin a yarn! I am so excited, I won! Thanks my gift card giving friend! Oh you will like gttyyup shes a riot!!

Anonymous said...

Dang... I missed it