Yup.. Still being haunted. Now I'm convinced that something isn't quite right around my house. And I have a dog who will prove it.
This past weekend, I took in 2 new foster dogs. My Bert and Roxi were adopted, and in their places came Luke the Black Lab mix:
This past weekend, I took in 2 new foster dogs. My Bert and Roxi were adopted, and in their places came Luke the Black Lab mix:

And Molly the teeny, tiny Beagle:

Since his arrival, Luke has proven to be quite an intelligent dog. He appears a little menacing and he's just the most powerful dog I've ever met. But he's so sweet and very gentle with those he's bonded with. And his bark is something to be reconned with. But if I follow the pattern, Luke really only barks when you talk to him, or when strangers he doesnt know come into the house.
Luke has been sick since Sunday. Hes got some nasty kennel cough and his barking for conversation has stopped, for now. But no matter how uncomfortable the cough is making him, he has no problem making a scene when somebody he doesnt know walks into the house. He's already protective of me, putting himself between me and whomever he is barking at.
My point? Luke will be watching me. Then all of a sudden, he looks above me, way up to the ceiling, and barks. He will stand up, fidgity, barking. I think he's confused or uncomfortable because he doesnt know how to put himself between me and whatever is looming above me.
Think I'm crazy yet? Saturday evening Red and I and the dogs were all settled down in the living room to watch a movie. When all of a sudden Luke's bowling ball of a head jerks up, and hes staring at corner of the ceiling and the wall. He stands up, his heckles come up, and he backs up, barking. His eyes never leaving the corner.
Red and I look at each other... Then Lukes eyes move across the wall, his head turning, and he continues to bark. Then he stops, paces for a bit, glancing back at the wall, and lays down.
Is my foster dog mental? I think not. Luke doesnt bark at nothing. And now I'm not the only one who has seen Luke confronting this ghost he is seeing.
Last night while letting dogs out, I went out alone with Luker to just get some air. After a few minutes, I heard 2 snaps on the west side of the house. It sounded like sticks breaking when people walk over them. Keep in mind, there is no longer a structure there. No neighbors on either side. It didnt bother Luke, so I ignored it. Then a few minutes later, the same sound was on the east side of the house. This time, Luke stood off in that direction, his body tensing up and his heckles rising. He let out a low growl and I look over to see a black shadow disappearing behind the shops. That was it for me. I think I said "shit' and then I gathered up Luke's leash and dragged him inside.
I dont know why all of a sudden I am being hit with creepy beasts in the night. But I'm getting a little tired of being afraid of the dark.
Contact me, we may be able to help. Dave@DarknessRadio.com
I am the host of a paranormal radio show in Minneapolis on 100.3 KTLK every Saturday and Sunday night from 9-Midnight.
We also investigate.
Sounds like an intelligent haunting to me. Its just curious to see who you are and might be curious about the 4 legged beast you have with you. Like I said before I am a firm believer in ghosts and that most of them do no harm. Good luck I would contact Dave and see what he finds.
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