Friday, February 13, 2009

Overactive Imagination? Or something more?

Maybe it's all of the hubbub of being Friday the 13th. Or maybe it's the fact that it's one of two Friday the 13ths in a row. Or maybe it's because I started drinking this herbal tea and it's giving me crazy dreams. Or, maybe I am just watching way too much MonsterQuest. Or maybe I'm just going crazy.

I started drinking this new tea that I bought at a new local store on Wednesday. Also had some Thursday. Wednesday night and Thursday night, I was awakened in the middle of the night to horrific, evil, dangerous dreams that left me awake in the dark with my heart and my mind racing. Then I layed there for the next two hours thinking I keep hearing noises. Even when daylight returns and life resumes, I am looking over my shoulder for the brindle hyeina on steriods and the big black dog with square, white eyes that have been haunting my dreams and attacking in front of my eyes.

But enough about my dreams. Let's talk about real life.
I think this is going to turn into one of those things like that Jim Carrey movie, '23', where the number drives him nuts and turns up in everything.
I was driving harmlessly to work this morning. It's a typical Friday morning, I'm relieved that it's the end of the work week. I drive on a 55mph road for about a half hour every morning to get to work. About halfway there, I see everybody ahead of me slowing down. Then I see why. There is a black lab with no collar running along the side of the highway. There were too many cars around for me to stop, so I drove on until I came to a spot where I could turn around. My friend Cj and myself run the Black Dog Rescue here in Minnesota, so naturally, I wanted to see if I could help.
Well, this Friday the 13th, the black dog mysteriously disappears. So I turn around again and head on to work. Then I hit a squirrel. A squirrel that would not have been running across the road right in front of my truck if I hadn't turned around to help the disappearing black dog.
And then, as I listen to the radio, they are doing their run down of Friday the 13th history. Did you know that if you have 13 letters in your first and last name combined that you have the luck of the devil? So I counted. 1, 2, 3... 13.


Then I think back, remembering the different ways that this number has touched my life. My volleyball number was and is still 13. The horse that I so dearly loved and rode for nearly half my live's name consists of 13 letters. It goes on and on.

This day better go fast and end well. Else I'm gonna be pissed.


Hohni said...

Oh no!!!
I didn't even realize what day it was, I'm too busy wondering if the flower truck will shop up at my work!!! I KNOW BETTER THOUGH!!!

Anonymous said...

Wow.. bad don't drink the tea tonight!

Farmchick said... had an interesting day!! I would NOT drink that herbal tea anymore! lol