Sunday, April 6, 2008

House Work

So on Sundays, I like to make an attempt at getting things done around the house. I am generally pretty lazy during the week, so weekends are reserved for housework. I realize its supposed to be the day of rest. But I want to get things done. I mean I'm working on it... The laundrey isnt going to do itself ya know. And clearly... These furry critters are just soooo eager to help me....

I mean look at them. Don't they just look like they are hopping ready for a long, steady day of housework???? We've got Syl there keeping Dad's chair warm... Good boy.
And Jake here... Well, I am not sure what the deal is, but I am positive he is dreaming about helping Mom clean up the dog bombs in the yard... Dont you think so??

Alright boys... Let's hop to it. Boys? Boys! **sigh** Fine, I'll do it myself. Worthless...

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