Thursday, April 30, 2009


That's what I call him. But his name is Ruger.
He's a year old Corgi mix who we had rescued late last year and adopted out to a family. But they decided this past week that they could no longer keep him and last night, we were reunited.

I'll admit, I was a little apprehensive about Ruger's return at first. People, as a whole, have a knack for ruining dogs unfortunately. And generally when they are returned to us, they have been allowed to rule the roost in their adoptive homes and it takes a lot of work and a lot of patience to re-train these dogs... Again. 99% of the dogs that leave our rescue have gone through basic obedience training and have enough manners to get the new owners started. But it's a very critical point when they leave, because the new family has two options. 1) Continue the training and end up with a perfect, family dog. or 2) Let the dog run rampant, lose all their training, and essentially, become the 'pack leader'. When this happens, the people can no longer handle the dog and thus, they land right where they started. Back with us. And we have to un-do the damage that the people did. Its not usually intentional. People don't set out to adopt a dog and have it turn wild on them. But they also need to understand that when they commit to an animal, they have to be the one in control, or that animal will take the reins, whether it wants to or not.
(The other 1% of those dogs are those that can't be trained and are just wild by nature, but that's when we find that special person who loves them that way)

So anyways, back to Rugermeister.

This dog is such a treat. I brought him into the house and he immediately was at home again. He remembered the dogs and Red. He met Bindy and they are in love. He retained the training that he learned here and is still very well mannered.

And what a cuddle bug.

I already envy whomever ends up adopting this little man. It's really going to be hard to let him go. Again.

Monday, April 27, 2009

Monday Rants

I have noticed on many blogs that bloggers will dedicate a certain day of the week to something. And it can be anything. Some people let their dog take over the blog for that day. Some people talk about morbid things (World of Weiners for instance with her Morbid Mondays... Read at your own risk! It IS graphic. But the rest of the blog is great)

I want to take part in this dedicate a day thing. Except I wont be posting anything graphic. Or morbid. Or even really that interesting if you think about it. I am going to rant. And I'm going to rant on Mondays, because Mondays just have a bad rap. What better day to rant about things than Monday?

Sorry, no cool title or anything. Just Monday rants.

Todays rant:
Quaker Oatmeal Breakfast Cookies.
Are they breakfast? Are they Oatmeal? Or are they cookies?
Walmart can't seem to decide. Red likes his Quaker Oatmeal Breakfast Cookies. But I can't ever find them when I go shopping. Sometimes they are in the breakfast isle, over with the pop tarts and things. Othertimes, they are with the rest of the Quaker Oatmeal products. And other times, they are in a whole seperate isle, with other cookies and crackers and the like.
Then, there are those days when they aren't in any isle. Those are the days when I believe Walmart just gave up.
I mean, is it really that much of a big deal to dedicate a place for them and leave them there? So faithful shoppers like myself can find them?

Screw it. I'm going to Cashwise.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Corgi Busy

I am sorry for the delay, folks.

But I have been busy.

This little gal is keeping me on my toes!

Her name is Bindy, and she's my current foster dog.

She keeps me very busy.

Corgi busy.

Friday, April 17, 2009

Not Even Comparible

The weather here has finally turned to gorgeous. Spring appears to have booted Winter out for good. I sat outside with my dogs for a bit last night, pondering my life as it is now. And I came to the conclusion that it's not even comparible to my life as it was 6 years ago. The present is perfect. The past, at least the part 6 years ago, sucked.
I met Red a little more than 5 years ago now. And there have been struggles of course. But those struggles had to build in order to get me to this exact point in my life. I believe that now, it was hard to believe it then.
My dogs instill in me every day, more and more, that I need to live in the now. I need to let go of the past. I need to stop worrying about the future. I can't change the past. And I can't predict the future. All I can control is the now. The present. And the more I lean towards doing the that, the happier my life seems to be.
I'm in the right place now. Red and I both have always loved that song by Rascal Flatts, The Broken Road. We both travelled a very broken road, relationship-wise, to get to where we are now. We apply that song to our life together, because it's very true. I can string everything back from then to now. The reasons I dated certain people, the reasons we broke up. And if any little detail had been changed along the way, there's a very good chance that Red's and my paths may never have crossed.
I'm going to break the rule and travel back mentally to 6 years ago. I don't regret any of it now, as I have before. Some of it still wrenches my heart when I think about it. But that's when I am able to pull myself back to the now, and all is right again.
6 years ago...After I graduated and left home. I had a crappy job. I hated that job. I was forced to work odd hours so that 'eyes could be kept on me' at all times. And not by management. But by the man I was with. I didn't have a phone, nor was I allowed a phone. Animals were completely out of the question. We had a cat. But that cat was tortured (not by me!) and soon 'gotten rid of'. (But dont worry, she lives a safe, happy life with good people now) Many of you who know me soley through Musings don't yet know how much a part of my life horses were. I was forced to sell my beloved gelding, almost before he was fully mine. If I said the wrong thing, I would be given the silent treatment for days and days strait. I was not allowed to drive, unless I was going somewhere on my own. Friends? I had none. And any I did make would soon be driven off.
Back to the present. I have a job that I love, with coworkers that I adore, and hours that are normal. Nobody is watching me or keeping tabs on me. I am trusted and loved. I have a cell phone. Of my very own. I am blessed with 2 dogs and a cat. All of which Red didn't exactly sign up for, but accepted out of love for me. He even cares for them and helps me when I need it. Oh, and none of our animals are tortured. Ever. I am free to enter the horseworld whenever I please. If I say the wrong thing, Red grins at me and laughs, rather than giving me the silent treatment. Words don't lead to a fight here in this world of mine. We simply don't fight. I've never had any relationship where I am so much on the same page with someone else that we can live our lives in such perfect tandem. It's quite incredible. We ownj 3 vehicles, and I'm allowed to drive any one of them, anytime I please.
Yeah... The two lives don't even compare. My previous life is like a distant dream now. Its like it never even happened.
I am so happy, I wake up in the morning grinning and gushing because I am so excited to start the day. I am finally on a goodweight loss path. With noticable results. I feel amazing. My dogs are well behaved. My cat is not.
Oh, did I mention that I now have friends? I have so many people who care for me and watch out for me. Even people that I dont know that well, they ask when I haven't been around in a while, wondering how life has been. Letting me know that they have been thinking of me.
I am a part of one of the greatest groups EVER. Mind if I gush about my disc dog group for a sec? To be wholey accepted into a group of people like this, who are so pure and friendly and supportive... Doesn't that mean that they accept me as a likeminded person? That they consider me pure and friendly and supportive as well? Do you know what that feels like? To come to love a group of people you've only known for 6 months says something about that group of people.
I am on the right path now. I suppose I have been on this path all of my life. But this part of the journey is so in sync, so smooth, so thrilling. I know there are boulders and sharp curves and bumps down the road. But I don't have to worry about the future. I can't predict it or change it's course. Nor do I think I want to.
I've taken a page from my dog's books. Both of them were strays. At least one of them was abused in some way. I won't ever know their full stories. But I can clearly read them today, and I can see that while they havent't forgotten their pasts, they aren't living in those pasts. They are living in the now. They are loved and healthy and happy now, and that's all they are concerned with. Their lonely lives before me? Not even comparible to the life they live now.
Live today, right now. And see how it changes your life.

Monday, April 13, 2009

Why Men Are Never Depressed...

Men Are Just Happier People.
What do you expect from such simple creatures?

~Your last name stays put.
~The garage is all yours.
~Wedding plans take care of themselves.
~Chocolate is just another snack.
~You can be President.
~You can never be pregnant.
~You can wear a white T-shirt to a water park.
~You can wear NO shirt to a water park.
~Car mechanics tell you the truth .
~The world is your urinal..
~You never drive to another restroom because one is too icky.
~You don't stop and think of which way to turn a nut on a bolt.
~Same work, more pay.
~Wrinkles add character.
~Wedding dress $5000. - Tux rental-$100.
~People don't stare at your chest when talking to them.
~New shoes don't cut, blister, or mangle your feet..
~One mood all the time.
~Phone conversations are over in 30 seconds flat.
~You know stuff about tanks.
~A five-day vacation requires only one suitcase.
~You open all your own jars.
~You get extra credit for the slightest act of thoughtfulness.
~If someone forgets to invite you, he or she can still be your friend.
~Your underwear is $8.95 for a three-pack.
~Three pairs of shoes are more than enough.
~You almost never have strap problems in public.
~You are unable to see wrinkles in your clothes.
~Everything on your face stays its original color.
~The same hairstyle lasts for years, maybe decades.
~You only have to shave your face and neck.
~You can play with toys all your life.
~One wallet - one pair of shoes - one color for all seasons.
~You can wear shorts no matter how your leg's look.
~You can 'do' your own nails with a pocket knife.
~You have freedom of choice concer ning growing a mustache.
~You do Christmas shopping for 25 relatives on December 24, in 25 minutes.

No wonder men are happier!

Thursday, April 9, 2009


There is a Hooch in the building, folks.

Need I say more?

He knows exactly where to position himself to be in perfect position to trip me. Really.

He's a 9 week old English Mastiff. And I want to keep him. Frankie doesn't.

But alas.. He is a friend's puppy. We are just the puppy sitters for the week.

I will be deeply saddened when Hooch leaves us. But my Frankie... She will be holding a celebration, as she is officially Hooch's new chew toy.

He chews on the carpet. He chews on my shoes. He is currently chewing on a throw rug. He chews on rocks. He chews on other dogs. He chews on my cat. He chews on my socks. He chews on me. Is the word 'chew' starting to sound funny to anybody yet? I can tell you who it's not sounding funny to. Hooch. He's chewing right now. Pray God he doesnt still chew when he's 250lbs like his daddy.

But I don't care what he chews on. I mean, I do care and I stop him, as I don't want him to hurt himself. But how do you scold this???

Tuesday, April 7, 2009


Winter turned to Spring almost 3 weeks ago. But apparently, nobody told Winter or Spring that the switch was made, because Spring is still hiding and Winter is still reigning.

But there is hope on the horizon, folks. The sun is finally shining. The temps are finally rising. The wind is beginning to ease up.

When do things start to turn green around here, anyways? The change from winter to spring is an ugly, dull one until things finally start changing colors.

In other news... Frankie and I began agility class last week. We have been introduced to weave poles, the pause table (paws table?) the A frame, the jumps, and we also began some targeting stuff. Last night was the intro to the Aframe. Its a large, 8ft on each side board that the dog must run up on the one side and down the other side. All of the dogs in our class are either small or already trained, so Frankie was the only one who had to learn to stop at the bottom and then be released to ensure that she touched the bottom.

The drive to agility class is long. But it's so beautiful. Its full of rolling hills and gorgeous farmland. Its amazing how much the landscape can change with just an hour's drive. Where I come from its flat farmland as far as the eye can see. Strait, simple roads that rarely curve. But down in that neck of the woods, you'd be hard pressed to find a strait stretch of road anywhere. Up and down, over and around. And even better, when I leave class, the sun is just beginning to set and when the hills part, its stunning colors of oranges and pinks and purples.

I promise to get photos for you. And I've actually had the camera with me these last 2 trips that I took. But I'm so awed by everything that I forget to grab the camera.

Frankie is slowly climbing the disc training ladder. She is catching longer and longer throws now.

And looking dorky as ever doing it. Like owner like dog I suppose.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Happy Anniversary

Today is the 1 year anniversary of The Musings of a Minnesota girl.

Happy Anniversary, me!

This blog actually began as a rant about how people treat their animals. If you look back to the first post, you will see I was angry because of a dog we were fostering who was just skin and bones.

From the very first post, this blog has been very focused around the canine variety. It's fun to look back and see just how much things have changed in only a year.

For one, nobody read this blog way back then. And I dont expect many to read it to this day. But you do. For some reason, you folks keep on coming back here.

"Build it and they will come".

I love ya for it. Thanks to my wonderful readers who keep me going everyday, and who keep me writing. My goal for this next year of 'Musings' is to learn how to upload and post my own videos.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Walk for MS

It's that time of year again. May 3rd of 2009, Frankie and I will be walking for Multiple Sclerosis.

What is MS?
Multiple sclerosis (or MS) is a chronic, often disabling disease that attacks the central nervous system, which is made up of the brain, spinal cord, and optic nerves. Symptoms may be mild, such as numbness in the limbs, or severe, such as paralysis or loss of vision. The progress, severity, and specific symptoms of MS are unpredictable and vary from one person to another. Today, new treatments and advances in research are giving new hope to people affected by the disease.

We walk to give hope. We walk to raise money. We walk to bring awareness to this terrifying disease.

Won't you donate, even a single dollar, to help power the research as we fight to find a cure?

Go to
my homepage to pledge, and support us as we walk for MS!

I promise to bring my camera this time. :o)