Wednesday, December 31, 2008

New Year's Eve

I feel it necessary to get in one last blog post for 2008.

2008 was a big year. It was the year that I started blogging. I can't believe that I have had this baby going since April. I never would have guessed it lasting through the summer.
But it did. And I'm so happy! And I met so many amazing people this year.

I am snapping photos over the course of the evening so I have something to share with you tomorrow. So until next year, folks. Have a safe New Year's Eve.

Farewell, 2008.

Thursday, December 25, 2008

Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas my friends.

I feel like posting things at random.. Mostly because I don't have enough of one single subject to write much about it. But I have bits and pieces of some!

We had our family celebration last night on Christmas Eve. It was wonderful.

My fur-nephew, Owen, wants to say hi. And Merry Christmas.

Owen is wearing his Christmas t-shirt.

You gotta read what it says.

It says: I've been such a good dog all year long and all I got for Christmas was this crummy T-shirt. But I know Owen lies, because I know Owen's parents. And I know Owen's parents lavished him and his brother, Pedro, with doggy gifts this year.
Can I brag about my Orchid? Yeah, it's blooming again.

Do you think Frankie is trying to tell me something?

My sister... Well, she has long johns. And she's not afraid to wear them.

This beautiful tree was at the house across the street from the church at last night's Christmas Eve service. I had to snap a picture of it on the way out.

But the focus of the day, of course, is Christmas. Is Jesus Christ. My faith is as solid as ever after the trials and miracles of this past year.

Take a moment to reflect on the good in your life. To say a prayer, and to tell Jesus "Happy Birthday, Lord"

~Merry Christmas~

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

My gift from Red...

Red and I always exchange gifts a few days early during Christmas time. We prefer to exchange our gifts by ourselves so that when we go to family celebrations we can focus on everybody else.

I prefer doing it this way. Mostly because I get to open my gifts early. Woohoo!!

I want to gush about the gift I received from Red this year. Most of you animal lovers wont be impressed. Most of my fellow rescuers are shocked and horrified to find that I hunt and fish as well. I fully believe that the two can live harmoniously. And its not like I go out and kill innocent animals. Its all about population control. We cant trap, spay and neuter all of the deer. If those hunters stopped hunting, I dont know if ya'll fully understand the consequences of the rapid increase in deer numbers. Think deer/car collisions.

And that's all of the defending I am going to do on my part.

Back to my gift...

Red got me a rifle! My very own rifle. Its a Tikka T3 Light bolt action 243 cal.
I love the bolt action rifles. I always get to shoot Dave's guns but they just don't quite fit me right. I have to adjust myself awkwardly in order for them to feel comfortable enough to make a shot. But my Tikka... Its perfect and beautiful and perfect and I love it. I lift it to my shoulder and its like I was born with it in my hands.

I'll get you pictures of my new baby soon. I love it!

Thanks Red!!

Saturday, December 20, 2008

Still Snowing Part 2

Well when I said before that even my dogs didn't want to go outside....

They changed their minds, okay?

Jake's nose never leaves the ground. NEVER. It has gotten him in trouble in the past.

But hey, at least you can see that it's snowing outside this time.

And Frankie... Well what can be said about Frankie? Look at her.

What a tool... I can only chuckle at my crazy Aussie.

Still Snowing Part 1

It's still snowing here.

In fact it hasn't stopped in almost 2 days.

Now, I realize that per these pictures that you can't really tell that it's snowing. But it is. Believe me. Its trickery that my camera has decided not to photograph snowflakes anymore.

But you only have to see the lowly shovel in the corner to see that we have given up trying to keep the path cleared of the annoying white stuff.

Even the dogs refuse to go outside. My dogs, who love to take their time romping in fresh snow only because they enjoy seeing mom outside with wet hair at 6am freezing her hiney off waiting for her precious furry babies to go to the effing bathroom.

What? I'm

That drift is threatening to fall on me again. And this time it has bigger, spinier icicles with which to stab me with.

Friday, December 19, 2008

It Done Up n' Snowed

Yip. Yep. Yup.

We awoke this morning to many new inches of snow. I wanted to get some photos of it for you. So I threw on my boots, tucked my soaking wet hair into a ponytail, grabbed my camera and opened the door.

And was confronted with this.

A drift, shoved up against the door.

And the door itself, coated with snow.

Man! I'm gonna hafta (heehee, gonna hafta) shovel now before I can go outside with wet hair and pajamas to take pictures.

REEEEEEEEEEED! Red shoveled for me.

And then I discovered that I dont know how to photograph snow properly.

Can anybody advise me in how to photograph snow, whilst its still snowing? My poor camera was so confused.

"Do I focus on that drift over there?
Or that drift over there?
Or the snowflake that is 5 inches from me?
Or the snowflake that is 4 feet out?
Crap she's getting ready to hit my button!
Quick! Focus on something! Anything!"

The dogs didnt know what to do with the snow. They couldnt hardly hop through it enough to find a good spot to pee.

4 more months of this crap... Ah, I mean... I love the snow. I love Minnesota, and it's winters.


Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Good Day

I've decided that it's going to be a good day.

It's Wednesday. Today is the day that life is going to be normal again.
The pups leave at 2pm, onto a foster momma who happens to prefer silly, messy, smelly puppy antics over just about anything else. I think that it's her sanity. While it's quite the opposite for me.

For those of you who missed the last post explaining what in God's name has happened to me, here is a bit of a refresher.

Puppies happened to me.

Now between today's photos and yesterday's photos, you will notice that there is always one puppy who looks completely innocent and calm. He is the only boy in a large crew of women. I've come to the conclusion that A) either these woman have driven this boy past regular sanity and he just cant take it anymore, B) He is setting me up and making me believe he is timid and shy when really he's planning some secret escape plan or C) He is silently pleading with me to get him the hell out of there.

I don't know about you all, but I am going to go with C.
As I mentioned earlier, I am going to make today a good day.

After a white knuckled drive home last night from work added to the knowledge that my beloved yellow babies were leaving me today, I took a moment to fully appreciated the sunrise this morning.

I love the super tall pine trees around our home.

Yes, I see all of the power lines. Cripes, get off my back about it. I need power, okay? I need lights and a microwave and a tv and a washing machine, okay?

I did ask Red to please remove this drift on the roof before it tried burying me.

Because that would certainly ruin my mood today.

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

You wanted to know why...

My bless'ed friends have asked where on earth I have flitted off to.
Why have I gone missing in action?
They are worried.
They are concerned.
But I assure you that as of 2pm Wednesday afternoon, all will be back to normal.

Until then, this is what has been keeping me from the computer.

Oh, you think they are cute?

AND innocent??

Innocent my ASS innocent!

What is this???

Any questions?

I am okay...

Thank you for your comments and concerns over what the heck has happened to me! What a great group of people I have stumbled upon here in the blogger world. You all are so caring. It really warms my heart to know that my site is looked at enough for you to wonder what is going on when I disappear for an odd amount of time!

Tonight I will show you what happened to me. With photos. And you will understand... Lol!

'Til then..

God bless

Saturday, December 6, 2008

Sleeping Kitty

Did ya'll know that cats love to sleep?

Syl spends 80% of his day sleeping. 10% of his day pottying. And the remaining 10% is spent begging for food. (Eating doesnt get a percentage point because he woofs up his kibble so fast, it doesnt even show up on the radar) Chubby Syl is convinced that we are starving him. And I assigned 80% of his day to sleeping because of

Have you ever watched a cat sleep?

I have.

I've never considered a sleeping cat a great subject for photography.
I mean, it's not like he's moving or juggling or doing anything interesting.

But then I got in a little bit closer.

There are so many different, interesting angles to take on an unsuspecting sleeping feline.

He looks so comfy. I wonder if cats dream.

Just look at his long, white whiskers.

And oh my, what big lips you have, kitteh.

And his little, oddly colored nose.

Ohhhh and his sweet little paws. Yup, 4 little kitty fingers. Just like there should be.

Oh crap. He's awake. Everybody hide!

Distract him with the string!

Awe, see? Back to sleep, kitteh...

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

I'm Cool?!

Well, it's official.

I'm cool.

Yeah huh! DHW even said so. She nominated me for a cool blog award.


Awweeee... Thanks girl!

But there are rules and responsibilities with this award.

So here it is:

1. Put the logo on your blog
2. Add a link to the person who awarded you
3. Nominate 10 other blogs
4. Add links to those blogs on yours
5. Leave a message for your nominees on their blogs

And the Nominees are......(Here is where you imagine me on stage, high heels, skinny little black dress, me IN the skinny black dress, brown hair not a hair out of place, yeah that's me all right)

1) DHW ~ Back at ya girl
Train Wreck
3) Anya
4) W.O.W.
5) Terry
6) Country Girl Kate
7) Pony Girl
8) Kimba
9) Dlyn
10) Three Dog Blog

These are my top 10 read blogs. These are the blogs that I HAVE to visit every single day whether they have written or not because otherwise I go into withdrawls.