Monday, May 3, 2010


My home is now pibbleless.

My emotions are on the fence.

On one hand, when Annie left with her new parents, I felt the relief of having only my own amazing pets left.  But on the other hand, I will miss her. I dont want her to come back!  But I do miss her.  She kept me busy. And she was the best kisser.

I'm not sure how to explain how easy it was this morning to let my own dogs out without having to fight with a long line and water buckets and all of the extra stuff needed for Annie. Annie leaving was almost like 3 dogs leaving. Life just got really good and simple again!

I can tell you that I don't want another foster dog for a while. Just a while. Until the next hopeless soul comes across my doorstep (or inbox).  Which will likely be soon
.  But for now, I'm going to enjoy the peace that comes with knowing that I'll be going home to my own.

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