Tuesday, April 7, 2009


Winter turned to Spring almost 3 weeks ago. But apparently, nobody told Winter or Spring that the switch was made, because Spring is still hiding and Winter is still reigning.

But there is hope on the horizon, folks. The sun is finally shining. The temps are finally rising. The wind is beginning to ease up.

When do things start to turn green around here, anyways? The change from winter to spring is an ugly, dull one until things finally start changing colors.

In other news... Frankie and I began agility class last week. We have been introduced to weave poles, the pause table (paws table?) the A frame, the jumps, and we also began some targeting stuff. Last night was the intro to the Aframe. Its a large, 8ft on each side board that the dog must run up on the one side and down the other side. All of the dogs in our class are either small or already trained, so Frankie was the only one who had to learn to stop at the bottom and then be released to ensure that she touched the bottom.

The drive to agility class is long. But it's so beautiful. Its full of rolling hills and gorgeous farmland. Its amazing how much the landscape can change with just an hour's drive. Where I come from its flat farmland as far as the eye can see. Strait, simple roads that rarely curve. But down in that neck of the woods, you'd be hard pressed to find a strait stretch of road anywhere. Up and down, over and around. And even better, when I leave class, the sun is just beginning to set and when the hills part, its stunning colors of oranges and pinks and purples.

I promise to get photos for you. And I've actually had the camera with me these last 2 trips that I took. But I'm so awed by everything that I forget to grab the camera.

Frankie is slowly climbing the disc training ladder. She is catching longer and longer throws now.

And looking dorky as ever doing it. Like owner like dog I suppose.

1 comment:

Hohni said...

You have the patience of a Saint!