Wednesday, December 16, 2009


It's still very cold here in the frozen tundra that is Minnesota.  Some days I don't know why I live here.  But other than the cold, it hasn't been so bad.  The roads are generally my main concern and they are being cleared pretty quickly these days, which makes me happy and relieved.

Not a lot of new stuff to report.  I have been working intensively on my fitness and on my dog's training, so I've been posting more frequently in my other two blogs, which have links there to the right of the page.  Hint hint.

Red returns from a 5 day spearing trip today.  I am so excited!  I will be the first to admit that I love having the house and time to myself and my dogs.  We get to be louder and work more in the house with Red gone.  But as of last night, I am so ready to have my man back home.  I don't sleep as well without him around. 

Hit up the other blogs to find out more!  Do it now!

1 comment:

Train Wreck said...

Ok I will but can I post here first? lol brrrrr! You are running in that?? Well I guess I better go check it out?