Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Pibble Love

I've never owned a Pitbull before.  And admittedly, most of my experiences prior to the disc dog club weren't the best.  I won't go into detail, because I understand that none of these dogs were at fault for their issues. It is completely on their owners, because I know for a fact that not one of these dogs is ever walked. The only time they get out of the house is to go to the bathroom.

We fostered a pretty little fawn Pit with a black face a few years ago. Her name was Gia. 

She was a lovely little gal.  Very animal aggressive, as she was a previous fighter, but she loved people and kids to no end. She was a firecracker of endless energy.  I didnt know anything about anything at the time we fostered Gia.  So it was tougher than it should have been.  But we made do.  She was my first Pitty.  And after her, I didn't foster one again.  I viewed them the same way I viewed herding dogs at the time.  TOO MUCH!

Today I own 3 herding dogs, and after my experiences with the club's Pittys, I am becoming more and more enamoured with them.  In fact it took everything I had to pass on and delete the email I got this morning. I human/dog/cat loving blue Pitbull boy who needs a rescue. And he's close to me.  My fingers were itching to type "I'll take him!"  and hit send. 

Just look at him... He's everything I could ever wish for in the Pitty of my dreams.
But I can't you see... because I already have one.

Annie has been with us nearly two weeks now.  I am much more knowledgeable, not about the breed itself, but with the needs of dogs in general. So this time around is going incredibly smoothly.

I love her.  Red has to remind me every few days that we aren't keeping her.  I stayed home sick on Monday. I let all of the dogs loose in the house to nap or play or do whatever they were going to do while I stretched out on the couch.  I dozed off a few times, and everytime I woke up, Annie Bell would be curled up on the couch on my feet. 

I love grabbing her jowls and pulling them back into a huge Pitty smile.  If I had a 3rd hand, I'd somehow get a picture of it.  I love her giant head.  I love her melted dark chocolate color.  I love watching her learn how to be a dog.  There is nothing like Pibble Love.