Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Fair Time Fun

I told you that I would have fair pictures for you! You didn't believe me, huh... Because I always lie and never get you photos on time. Right? Well I showed you! Maybe not.

Regardless, we had a blast at the county fair. My little sister stopped by beforehand and posed. I think this is the most normal photo I've taken of Tess in a long time. No seriously.

And showing off her new hat... See Jake in the background staring at her like he's confused? Thats a pretty typical reaction to my hippy sister's crazy antics.

In other news, my older sister (yeah, the one who just turned 30. But you didn't hear it from me) and her man, Jake, came to the fair with us. They brought my fur-nephew, Pedro, with them.

And yes I do believe that is Pedro's valid Minnesota driver's license hanging from his collar there. Watch out. They also brought along my brand-newest fur-nephew! Jake just got a Jack Russell mix named Owen. Check out those ears!

I just love him! He's very mellow for a jack.

We finally got to the fairgrounds... Check out that sky!

If you ever attend a fair or some event with food vendors, you need to search out this stand.

If you have never had a spaghetti sundae, then you are missing out. Not only are they cool looking, they are delicious! First they send italian vanilla ice cream through this machine to make it look like noodles. It reminds me of my old Play-Doh machine.

The ice cream is the noodles, obviously. Then they douse it with chocolate or strawberry syrup (yuuuum) which is the marinara sauce. Then for mozz cheese, they sprinkle white chocolate shavings over it, and top it off with some chocolate truffles which represent the meatballs. Yuh. Mee. Is all I have to say about this heavenly creation.

Thousands gather for the county fair here.

And the rides and food vendors and attractions are phenominal. See that ride sticking up in the middle of the photo there? Thats the 'Zipper'. I have never ridden it. I'm too scared. About 7 years ago, I finally got up the courage to ride it, stood in the half hour line, then I sat down in it with my friend, and when the carnie was about to lock me in, I pushed it open and bolted. It's a true story. I dont like the Zipper.

But I do like these people. My big sister on the left, my little sister on the right. Aren't they beautiful? And behind Tess there is one of my readers... Hi Jenna! Ha! But Jenna is shy and doesn't want to be blogged about. She prefers to read only. But thats okay. And this technically doesnt count as blogging about you. Or does it?

Let me tell you a little story about a really meany carnie at the fair this year. My two sisters were playing the throw-the-dart-at-the-balloon game and our men were all there too and they got roped into playing. I stood in the middle and watched. And this stupid carnie, he kept mixing up words and demanding money and holy cow they have gotten sly! Them are some slick flippin characters there who know how to whittle every dollar from your pocket. But anyways, after this jack*ss had taken like $30 from our crew, I stepped in and asked what they got if they stopped now. He wont even look me in the eye, coward, and you know what he says? I dont talk to noone without the money and then he quick goes back to tricking my homeboys and homegirls! No way! Finally Tess got brave and folded her arms across her chest and said "I'm not paying anymore money!" She's so brave. I was bitter about that carnie for a good long hour. Or maybe like a day. Actually I think i'm still bitter about it. Jerk.

We finished the evening here:

Ye Olde Beer Gardens. It's the local watering hole when the fair is around. It was fun! It was a great time. Except I'd really like to hunt down that carnie and punch him in the mouth. Jerk.

Leave me a comment if you liked what you read today!

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