Monday, May 4, 2009

Monday Morning Rant

Monday Morning Rant

Subject: Construction Season

We live in Minnesota. Obviously. You saw the big Minnesota at the top of the page right? You didn't think I was some cool, hip California chick, did you? Come on.

There is an ongoing joke here in the Lakes State about our seasons. Winter & Road Construction. Haha... Not. So my question to all of you is... And you've heard me ask this before, I'm sure...

For all of the damn road construction that happens across this state, making me late for work, ripping up my front yard, sending bright orange cones into my path... How come our ROADS SUCK SO MUCH!?

Have you ever noticed how bad the roads really are around here? What exactly are they working on when they are ripping the roads up? Because it's certainly not the roads!!!

*deep breath*


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