Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Gas & Logic

To say the least, it's started out to be a rough morning. But being the Minnesota girl that I am, I am trying my best to see the silver lining.

There is a silver lining, right?

Of course there is. I had to fill up my SUV fuel tank this morning. No, that's not the silver lining. But it brightened my mood to see that fuel had dropped to $2.99 per gallon. I'm writing about it here so that there is a date attached to the price, because I want to be able to show my grandkids when it was that I rejoiced over $2.99 gas. Sick, huh? Yeah.

I have a question for you all, and I am trying hard to see the logic here. But there is none. Whilst I was in the gas station, I went to grab a Mountain Dew. Yes, I love Mountain Dew. You leave me alone about it. I grabbed a 20 ouncer, which cost $1.49. I glanced over at the 1 Liter bottles of MD and noticed that they, too, were $1.49. What?
Than I happened to look a little further over and there were the 2 Liter bottles of MD. $0.99. WHAT?!

If someone would be kind enough to please explain this mystery to me, I would be thrilled.

Thank you have a nice day.

For real.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Maybe their theroy is that they don't chill the 2 liter bottles so they can charge less?? LOL yeah that's it that's the ticket!!
