Thursday, March 11, 2010

The Pet Expo

Never been there before. And I'll never miss another year again!  It was so much fun!
Frankie and I joined up with the disc dog club for a weekend at the Expo.  I just have to say that because of Frankie, I have been staying in a lot more hotels than normal.  I love it. Hotels are fun anyways, but to get to have your dog with you?

Frankie enjoyed it too.  But... who uses bleach white bed spreads?  Frankie made sure to make her paw mark on both beds.
The view was pretty nice, too.  During the day it looks gloomy and dank.  But at night with all the lights on, it was beautiful.
Hellooooo down there!  We were on the 11th floor. Which I didnt realize until I looked out the window.  Don't look down!
Off to the center to help with the booth.

Frisbees Frisbees everywhere....

I often ponder what my life would be like right now if I had never picked up a Frisbee. Interesting. And scary. Don't even want to go there.

DK and I got a chance to walk around and do some shopping before our shift at the booth started. 
One of the first dogs we were greeted by was 'JC' from the Border Collie Rescue.  He has to be one of the most handsome and unusual looking BC's I've ever met. If only I had room for another dog...

There were dogs everywhere.  And I mean everywhere.  Every booth boasted a handful of dogs either as a mascot or for adoption.

Can you guess what this is?
She's a Sheepdog!  This gal knew how to work it, too.  She'd put her head down like that and sidle up to you. With all the cuteness, you had no choice but to kneel down and pet her. And if you stopped, she pressed closer. She was adorable. I loved her pigtails!

Yup, it was dog city.

There were Pyr's
And Bostons

And Danes
And Elo's.  Oh, Elo...

Oh, I have a teeny weeny crush on Elo.
And there were Greys...

The Greyhound booth had a bunch of sleeping bags and blankets strewn all over the place, and at one point there were 6 Greys' at the booth. It was a Greyhound slumber party!  I wanted to crawl in and nap with the Greys, but a napping stranger in a booth wasnt allowed for some reason. 
There were Pittys... Lots of gorgeous Pittys.  I loved this girl. She was such a sweetheart and let me and DK smush all over her.
And this charming dude. Oh I could have picked him up and stole him away.  But that's not allowed either.  I think this guy could have charmed Red though. Don't you?  Just look at that mug!
There were Bassett Hounds. I want a Bassett Hound.
So droopy and wonderful.

And Aussies galore! This gal was just a princess.  I want an Aussie....

Oh, wait...
Bulldogs.  I heart Bulldogs.
There was an extremely talented artist at one of the Pitty booths.  And when I find her card in my load of stuff that I still haven't yet unpacked even though it's been 4 days since I got home, I am going to post a link to her website.

She painted these by hand while looking at a photo of the dogs.  This picture doesn't do them any justice.  I am on the hunt for photos of my dogs so I can have her paint a collage of the them. I need one of these paintings.

After shopping and getting our dog kiss fix, we headed back to the booth for our shift.

And I noticed that Frankie and I were on the banner!
It's exciting stuff, considering that I don't view us as 'banner worthy' at this point.  But the picture is awesome.We shared our performance area with a dog dancing organization.  This little Corgi would just hang out on his back between performances.  Adorable.

And Nova... How I love you...
I offered to take Nova of Jen and JG's hands... But they weren't as thrilled about that idea as I was.  Oh well.  I will see you again one day my love... 

Can't wait for next year!


Kate said...

A pet expo is coming to our area soon and I'm planning on for the first time. I can't wait!

Ninso said...

A crush on Elo huh? Get in line! What is it about that dog?

Emily said...

I don't KNOW! Lol! But he's a charmer. And then after I finished writing this post, I saw his trick vid on the rescue site and now I love him even more!
Adopt that dude before somebody steals him out from under you! :o)

Ninso said...

His tricks are the CUTEST! He has the awesomest "crawl" on earth. He wasn't feeling his "reverse" (backwards crawl) that day though. And I just love his "bummer." He looks so forlorn, except for the tail going a million miles a second. And teaching him a dog catch was a snap. He loves to be held and is constantly using me for a trampoline.

Becks May said...

Love it! Especially all the photos of all the sweeties that were there! Glad you had a good time