Thursday, June 26, 2008

My Brother Dave

Okay, so I dont actually have any brothers. I have half a dozen sisters of various origins. But my fiance, Red, does have a brother.

David is a great guy. And since I am marrying his brother, and I've been engaged for over 2 years now (clamp it) I think I can safely call Dave my brother.
Dave has taught me a lot. How to shoot guns. How to reload my own ammunition. And most importantly, that the hot wings that I like to enjoy are in fact "Girl Wings".
Dave and his buddies like go out somewhere in the Dakotas once a year to shoot at prairie dogs. Apparently they ruin the land or something. They go out with their giant guns and they lay on the ground and drink beer (hopefully not while shooting) and have a blast for about a week.
Since only a few of you reading this know Dave personally, you are the only ones who will be laughing with me when I explain the following photo.

David and his buddies need to watch out next year. Because the prairie dogs??

They aren't taking your crap anymore, Dave.

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