Saturday, November 21, 2009

Ree ~ The Pioneer Woman

Today is going down on my list of one of the greatest days of my life. 

Today, I met the woman who learned me to cook real food.  Today, I got to sit down and talk, face to face, with the woman who inspired me to start a blog of my own.  The woman who taught me to play piano...

Wait, that wasn't this woman.  Never mind.

Today... I met The Pioneer Woman, Ree Drummond.

But Ree is so awesome that she could probably teach us all to play the piano via her website... If she wanted to. 

She was so down to earth.  So friendly.  So personable.  And she's so funny!  And I'm really glad that she was all of those things, because I don't know what it would have done to me to find out that she really wasn't who she appears to be on her website.

This woman and her blog and her cooking and her photography have changed my life profoundly, for the better.

My lovely friend Hohni and her daughter Tiah arrived at my house at 7:30 this morning.  We got to the Mall of America by 9am, just as Barnes & Noble opened so I could purchase my book.  Then we headed for the line.  And for the next 4 hours, wait in line is all we did. 

But it wasn't so bad.  We met these two gals who were just a blast to talk to! 

Renee and Michelle.  We first met them at the B&N when we were both looking for the same book.  And shortly after they were in line behind us.  I think that's one of my favorite parts of the blogging community is that for one, most of them are so friendly and two, going to an event like this where everybody is there for the same reason, it was no hardship to sit for 4 hours with these women and just talk about PW. I'm sorry, Renee.  I don't know how to put the little thing above the E in your name.  But I know that it belongs there!  And Michelle, thank you for bringing your super cool phone with so we could check PW's site right there while we waited!

I didn't know what to say when it was my turn to talk to Ree. I was so nervous, my brain actually vacated my head for the 30 seconds that I was up there. So I just said "Hi Ree!  Welcome to Minnesota!" and she told me that she loved my accent.  She's from Oklahoma.  And I loved her accent.  She signed my book and we took a picture together.  I can't believe I got to sit next to Ree!  Like it or not, this woman is a celebrity.  And she totally deserves it.

After I left the table, Ree provided us with free t-shirts!  They are beautiful.

We also had a little surprise!  Marlboro Man and their two boys showed up as well! 

All in all, it was a hell of a day.  A great day!  It isn't everyday that you get to meet one of your idols.

Oh!  And the book?  The book rocks.  It's beautiful and clever and doesn't even look like a cookbook when you flip through it.  It's so unique and it's definately worth the few bucks that it costs to purchase.  Go and get it!


Anonymous said...

YAY! It was a GREAT day!

Jayme Goffin, The Coop Keeper said...

Hi, just read your comment over on Ree's website and thought I'd drop by. It surely has been fun meeting so many bloggers! I went to the Chicago signing and we had a ball...that was my nephew Aaron on the post today, the little 14 year old boy that 'charmed her socks off' He's still beaming from that!

Have a happy Thanksgiving!

Train Wreck said...

WOW! I orderd her CB on Amazon, Had it the next day,and I thought that was great!! You actually got to meet her? Good for you. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving my Famous friend!!

Anonymous said...

Hi Emmy! I resemble the woman on the left! HeeHee! I enjoyed meeting you and Honi (sp! sorry), I've never figured out how to put the accent above my E on the computer either. Have a Happy Thanksgiving!

Babaloo said...

Can't believe you got to meet Ree! Been following her blog (on and off, I have to admit) for years now. Love her recipes. And the photos. :)