Sunday, January 10, 2010


Last night the disc dog club hosted it's annual bash and awards gathering.  I believe the purpose of it though is just for everyone to be together again.  As a club, we haven't all been together now since September, and we won't all be together again until March. 

It was a blast!  And so good to see everybody again.

But what do you expect from me, people?  How's a girl to concentrate when she's faced with this all night:

Look at that tiny pink mouth and the little pig nose!

And the tiny... er, huge Aussie paws!

Be still, my heart...

I was forced to repeat that to myself over and over last night.  Nobody has Aussie fever like Emily has Aussie fever.  And little Skyver/Booger/StevenTyler/Rush/Aero here didn't do anything to help quash my fever.  If anything, he sent it through the roof.

Luckily, Red Rocket Man had my back.  Every once and a while (okay, ever four seconds or so) he would toss his ball at my face and ask me to throw it, which usually was able to knock me back to reality for a sec.  I heart you, Rocket.

The torture of the night was knowing that there were still 3 of Skyver's siblings who were waiting for homes, and that until they found homes, they would be living in a cold barn in northern Minnesota.  Yeah.  Don't get me started.

But it's okay.  When I got home, I was greeted by my own puppies.  And the baby of my little pack and his spastic older sister are enough Aussie for me.  For now.

**The look on Red's face this morning when I showed him Skyver's picture on my camera was priceless.  With a look of horror on his face, he says "Is he here????"  I've never seen an Aussie baby have quite that effect on a grown man before... :o)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I was shocked at the impact Leila's arrival had on me. i was not a sucker for puppies until I met the princess ;)