Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Stressing About Stress

I stress about my stress levels. Rediculous, no?  I suffer from many anxieties and as of lately, I've been stressing about how stressed out I am, because I have been doing some research and stress kills.  It's not just a theory anymore.  It's proven.  Stress can and will kill a person if they don't get a handle on it.  Knowing that just stresses me out even more, because I recognize how much stress I'm under at any given time. I panic about the smallest things.  The unknown, mostly.  I try to live in the moment.  But I struggle to relax.  My mind is constantly wandering to the 'what ifs' in life.  It's not a healthy way to live, really.

I start a CrossFit bootcamp today.  I am hoping the hard exercise will help me to chill out.  I also am going to try to add yoga and meditation to my daily life in hopes of bringing my stress levels down.  I dont want to die over stress.  And I'm sick of stressing about dying from stress. 

I need to chill!

1 comment:

Ninso said...

Wow! Exercise reduces stress. You should be good after CF tonight. Or at least, you'll be so tired you don't have the energy to stress.